@Kryu, usernames can be changed at admin discretion. We almost never do because it breaks all mentions of your previous username and causes lots of dead links around the forum. Since you just joined and don’t have mentions, if you’d like to send me a pm with your preferred username, I can change it this once.
EDIT: Having said that, “Kryu” is a pretty awesome username as is, just saying.
Ye I seem to be having the same problem where it’s not allowing me to download load them. I tried holding on the image but I just flashed blue and did nothing. Normally a download option is supposed to pop up
Hey! So, we’re phasing out that old app for a new app in the next month or two, specifically because of those kinds of issues. I’ll post the link to the repository for those wallpapers later, if you’re interested.
Is everything with Ackerly Green and the books Legal? I saw a youtube video where there was a coin in Central Park with numbers on the back and that seemed sort of sketchy to me. I just want to make sure because I feel like this is really cool.
That video was about the travelers coin if I remember correctly. In the magiq world tech don’t play well with magiq. So sometimes videos glitch or weird things happen.
Everything CJ does in the real world is fully legal and respectful of the place it’s happening. He’s always very careful when planning real world adventure so as not to cause trouble
It’s not a foolish question at all! So far all we really know about magiq is that there are three types which are material, figuration and wrought. Material is generally used for spells and charms, figuration is magic created from storytelling and wrought magiq is preformed by destroying a little bit of magiq. Magiq can be used in any situation but there are limitations on how often you can perform magiq. This limitation is called spell sickness which occurs when you use magiq too often or perform large spells. If I’ve missed anything im sure the others will chime in