The Celebration of Litha

Today, the 21st of June. Is the Summer Solstice or Litha. A very auspicious day for many Magiqal societies. So my question posed to you is -

How does your guild celebrate the Summer Solstice?


Gossmere texts ranging as far back as the Renaissance refer to the summer solstice as “The Celebration of The Many” and the winter solstice as “The Celebration of The One,” the latter of which is considered a rare time reserved for personal reflection.

The Celebration of the Many, however, is all about community and sharing. Gossmerim all arrive at a pre-determined location on the night immediately prior to the solstice, where a festival campground is set up. This is a time to catch up and chat with fellow guildmates before the ritual proper begins the next day. Adult beverages are always generally involved. None are consumed, however, on the actual day of the solstice, as a rule. The location of the festival changes year-to-year. It is an open secret, and while members of the other Guilds are not specifically invited, they aren’t turned away if they show up and genuinely want to participate.

In the morning, the Gossmerim all wake up and share a large, hearty community breakfast that everyone has a hand in preparing. Seven large bonfires are constructed in a circle prior to noon, and are lit right when the clock strikes twelve. A circle of guild members forms in the center of the ring of fires, and they all cast a communion spell in unison, opening their minds and hearts to their other guild mates. The spell is cast in such a way that the harmonic convergence of the individual casters’ workings amplify and magnify one another, so the entire group is subsumed into a single casting. The celebration then starts in earnest, with dancing, singing, drumming, other music and merry-making being made until the sun sets, when the spell wears off.

The experience of basically partying for 8 hours while simultaneously experiencing the partying of dozens of other people is extremely gratifying, but also extremely taxing. During the celebration, because of the connection between the members, symptoms of exhaustion or dehydration can be identified and treated early through magiqal and conventional means. After the spell ends, most Gossmerim retire to their tents and either nap for a while, or fall asleep in earnest until the following morning. Light meals are prepared and consumed by those who are able to stay awake.

The following morning, the Gossmere take time to say heart felt goodbyes to one another, then break off in to the wandering tribes that make up our great guild, and head off to all six points of the compass.


Those are so much fun, can’t wait!


Flinterforge sees the solstice as a chance to make things new in the brightest of light, in the strongest of growing sunlight.

In this, the longest of days, we build solar cells to store light for the winter, we make fires for focussed lenses, and bake cakes in solar ovens.

We celebrate the return of the Holly King by bottling elderflower and st Johns wort wines.
We make use of the day light, we make use of the warmth, and we do our best to use our creations to store the light, warmth and growth for when the year turns once more.


Sorry this is so late, friends. This was my first Litha celebration with the Ebenguard, and I wanted to savor it while it lasted and ensure I was able to provide you with the most accurate information I could.

Ebenguard traditions on Litha are focused very much on the celebration of Life, one aspect of the Golden Balance. Some of them may seem familiar, but the significance is often lost on those not familiar.

We begin our day before the sun has risen, not a normal habit (despite what many of you think about Ebenguard, we do love our sleep thank-you-very-much) but one we honor on the longest day. We rise and go to a place where we can easily observe the sun rising in the early morn and meditate, quietly. Some Ebenguard enjoy yoga, others journal, some dance, but most simply sit quietly amongst our bretheren and await the coming light.

We celebrate the sunrise with the same joy we’d celebrate a new life, a birth. A maypole is set up in advance of this event, with ribbons in all the Ebenguard colors. We dance around the maypole as the Sun arises in a liberating, soulful celebration of Life, honoring the Light and the Tides with our movement.

During the day we share a communal meal outdoors, near a body of water if possible, swapping stories. This time is meant to enjoy our closeness with the balance of the world, and with one another, appreciating our experiences and the natural ebb-and-flow of energy around us, and within.

Volunteers (generally the more introverted among us) spend this time preparing the festivities of the evening. For these individuals who prefer some solitude to reflect, this time is sacred.

The rest of the day is spent in devoted service to others. In the past it wasn’t so organized, but this year we were able to coordinate in advance. By evening we physically exhausted, but… fulfilled.

In the evening, right before sunset, we ventured out to the same place we’d gone in the morning. We ate a big, big meal together. Sharing stories celebrating a late loved one and their life. We got… a bit crazy with the merry-making at this point, having energy and emotions running high from our busy day.

Our last event of the day occurred in the moments before the sun sank below the horizon. We gathered around the maypole… and some kind of magiq happened. I’ve never seen anything more beautiful. As if it had been perfectly choreographed, every Ebenguard holding their ribbon flowed around the other, weaving and dancing around one another–until the ribbons were no longer wrapped around the maypole.

At the end… I can’t explain. I think it was… Truth and Calling, but nothing like I’ve ever seen or heard of before.

We could see into one another’s energy, their very souls, and we recognized one another although we could no longer see with our eyes, the light was so bright. We gathered close and took hold of each other and, naturally as anything I’ve ever experienced, we began reciting the Creed of the Ebenguard, even those of us who couldn’t have known, couldn’t have heard it before.

When the light was totally gone from the sky, things were back to normal. We were exhausted. We all went home, went our separate ways.

I’ve never felt anything like it.

So, yeah. Litha was… intense.


Happy Celebration of the Many, @Gossmere!

(and happy Summer Solstice to all the other guilds!)


Happy Summer Solstice Augo!!


I was wondering why I got a tag notification then I remembered I am part Goss :joy: Happy Summer Solstice Oracle and Augo!


Yeah, you too Rimor!! And all you other polys out there!