The Cagliostro

I’m going to do a little tidying up and move the spell to this category since it’s under the umbrella of Fragment Eight and the Cagliostro discussion to that category. Okay by all?


That is a good point… And certainly there’s another question - wouldn’t Cagliostro’s society track him down if he did manage to reverse the spell? :sweat:

I don’t know. Perhaps we could open up a dialog with them. We can certainly bring up these concerns. I just…it doesn’t feel right to me to decide someone’s fate when they can’t even argue for it.


Works for me Captain.

And you’re probably right. It could end up being reckless to give Lauren the spell - she seemingly will do whatever it takes to save Cags. But we, by giving her that spell, could end up killing her, Cags, and a few others if the spell really went badly.

I. am. conflicted.


My turn to take up the tinfoil hat.
The spell, the one cars just showed us, obliterates the border between our world and the dead. Tell me if I’m crazy, but I think we are not meant to prevent Cags death, but to undo it? I’m personally doubtful that Gossmere magic will make me any good at Necromancy, however I may be able to ensure his emotions and soul aren’t destroyed in the process…


Edit: By Cars I mean Cags


My biggest fear is that this spell could potentially kill her. Whether that is because the spell is meant solely for DG or because she is just one person trying to do what a whole community did today. And we don’t even know if it worked yet. I know the argument can be made that only 6 performed the spell, but I feel the community we are in makes us all stronger. Anyone else get that impression?

I guess those are my thoughts on the subject. I am sure there will be more debate and going back and forth between now and the 31st, but I am unsure how I would feel if our actions caused harm to Lauren and The Cagliostro died the way he was intended all along


Centuries? Yeah I’m sorry he’s had a good, long life.

Let me gather my thoughts here on all these revelations (pardon the pun).

So…the woman who just set fire to a public library is going to help breach the seal between the living and the dead, perhaps even contacting Gods of old. Shortly thereafter a nearly immortal, invulnverable being is going to be drained of blood so it can be fed to his replacement who was first mentioned in the same vision as the beast of the biblical apocalypse?

Does anyone else get a really, really bad feeling about all this?


I didn’t really catch or process that he’s been around for centuries. It might be okay to let the magic vampire go then - not worth the risk of hurting young Lauren and others.

And yes, definitely a bad feeling. Who knows what kind of person the next Cags will be. Plus, I’m not really a fan of bugging Gods or beasts or whatever they may be trying to contact. No apocalypse please.


I just now realized it says “incantation33”. Should we assume there are 32 other encantations associated with “The Translation”. And if there are, what do you think they might be?


I don’t know how I missed it, but I didn’t catch the magimystic vampire deal either. Thank goodness Robert noticed it. Yeeeeah, I’m gonna say I’m a little bit more okay with this, even if the whole blood draining thing still skeeves me out.

I’m not really sure how I feel about the new Cagliostro, though. What kind of person is he? The current Cags doesn’t seem particularly fond of him… I just hope that doesn’t mean he’s going to do terrible things to the magimystic community or anything like that. :sweat:


I am pretty sure this has been on your minds for a little bit now, but just a reminder that Brandon Lachmann warned us dark storms were coming for us. This might be the dark storm, or potentially one of many dark storms. We may have to prepare for the worst, especially with some of the stuff that has been said recently


While I understand that he has lived a good long life. However, every moment counts. He is a man of great knowledge, and if the only reason you will rally to save him is for our own benefit so be it. This “Organization” that has controlled the Calgistro has stolen this life from. Let us at least offer to give him a second chance. Let us offer Lauren our help as not to make an enemy out of her, for as of now she sees us as such, bystanders allowing her pain to continue.


More chatting between the two. Not a ton related to the fragments as far as I can tell. Emails are in reverse order so start at the bottom.

Lauren says:

I haven’t given up on figuring out some way to keep you here.

About The Translation…

I don’t know. I’m at a loss. Maybe I’m distracted by your dreams, the noises, trying to save you, but I can’t figure out what’s missing and I feel like I’ve drained half the objects in this place trying to solve it. (I figured out why it’s so easy to conjure here. You built artifacts into the walls. Clever.)

I can get it halfway to whatever it’s meant to do, but that’s unassembled of course, we don’t have enough ceiling height to put it together here.

But I’m not going to quit.

On 2017-01-26 13:45, wrote:

I commend you. Most practitioners nearing your level of power and proficiency would not hesitate to wield it to its full potential.

I am in the Carpathians. I had an old home here and I wanted to see it again.

I have to make two more stops and then I am on my way to New York.

On 2017-01-26 19:36, wrote:

It’s too dangerous to just kick that door open. I know you’re powerful, but I know what I’m capable of.

On 2017-01-26 13:35, wrote:

Lauren, I am quite used to pain. Would our connection not be the most efficient way to impart as much of what I have learned as possible? For the apprentice to breach the master’s mind?

On 2017-01-26 19:33, wrote:

I know. But I don’t want to hurt you.

On 2017-01-26 13:32, wrote:

Let yourself reach deeper into my mind. Then you’ll know where I am, what I’m doing.


Got a new email from Marty.

Got info about the show. Car will pick me up at 9pm. I gotta leave phone at home, no pictures or video.
But I’m gonna try and get away with a good old fashioned wire. Battery pack and mic in my jacket lapel. If I get caught they can’t fault me for trying. I’m a reporter for pete’s sake. Part of me thinks he wants me to tell people what I saw there.


Just be careful, Marty… this isn’t three card monty they’re performing here.


Yeah, I’m planning to warn him. I don’t know that he’ll listen, but at least he won’t be surprised if something bad happens.


Heck they might’ve even called him there to “shut him up”. If hes been trying to uncover this organization for years then I see that being a real possibility. They don’t want some sneaky reporter exposing them, so I definitely see this as 100% a trap. Its almost odd that martin hasn’t thought something like that either? Perhaps he knows more about it than I, but you can’t tell me it doesnt seem that way.
Note: never try to write stuff with blurry vision! :smile:


By the pricking of my thumbs… something is about to go down. New email from Lauren.

You’re in the air now. Singapore?

And you’ll be here tomorrow.

By the time you land I’ll have the solution to The Translation.

But you always had the solution. Part of it at least. The key was in Incantation33Attempt212. Specifically the 45 second mark. Do you hear it? It’s a piano. It’s easy to overlook. It seems insignificant. Except it isn’t.

I mentioned it before, but I’ve had a melody stuck in my head ever since I went with you in December. Ever since this connection started between us. Like someone singing a wordless melody to me, day and night. It had become background noise. But it was the key. That piano is playing the same melody. And it was in your head. You knew it, maybe subconsciously. Maybe it was a shadow of your premonitory power. Maybe not. But somewhere you knew that The Translation wasn’t a spell. It’s a song.

So I reached deeper into your mind a while ago. I couldn’t help it. I wanted to know if this had been some kind of test, or challenge. If you’d known the melody all along but wanted me to find it, connect it to the tetrahedron. And I think you did.

I think you have a plan. A way to free yourself and your power from the people who control you. I don’t think Tuesday night is the last of The Cagliostro or our connection. I see in your mind an image of us bound together, forever.

I will follow you to the six corners, you know that. Not your power, not your wealth. You.

See you tomorrow. And then always.



Interesting, a song. Lauren must have really good ears because I did not catch that the first couple times I listened to the recording.

So a spell that they can sing and essentially open a gate to beasts or gods or demons or something not very good? Lovely.

Getting kind of creepy with the “us bound together, forever” and the “and then always” - anyone else get the feeling that may mean one is going to drain the other of power??

I can’t remember - do they also have the pieces of the object that we have? Should we try putting them together?


Well there’s a hundred ways, at least, this could go down. My favorite idea is that Cags plans to summon something big and ugly and powerful enough to kill him. What was it? Whoever is closest to the Cagliostro when he dies inherits the flame? Who will most likely be on stage with him? Lauren.

Bound together forever, indeed.

As for the pieces. My guess is they are the same. I’m rather iffy at spacial relations though. We have 6 pieces(or maybe 3 depending on whether or not the individual sheets are distinct pieces or combine to a whole, but let’s call it 6). Lauren has 10 pieces. My guess we’ll get another sheet with 1 or 2 more pieces with the 8th fragment. That leaves 2 we don’t really know where to get.

But yes, we should probably start preparing to do something with them.

Here are the links if anyone is feeling arts and craftsy.
