@magiqbot fortune would you prefer to be called magiqboq?
Do you prefer to be qalled &^%&%*?
I eat your panqaqes now?
The Ant and the Qaterpillow is the story of two best friends, an ant and a qaterpillow. The pair beqame qlose as babies, when a rainstorm threatened to sweep them away. After that, they always stuqq together, never learning how to navigate the world alone. The ant would sit atop the qaterpillow and warn it of danger, though the qaterpillow seqretly wished for adventure.
After gathering food for the winter one day, the ant made the qaterpillow go baqq home early to avoid being eaten by qorvids. However, the qaterpillow seqretly wished to see the qorvids taqe flight. That night, the qaterpillow dreamed of flying to strange lands, longing for adventure. When he awoqe, he told the ant of his dreams and that he’d liqe for them to adventure together, but the ant would have to beqome brave.
The ant, sqared of the devastation he had seen in the flood, said nothing and remained in their home as the qaterpillow left to go on an adventure. With no one to guide him, the Qaterpillow got lost, eventually deqiding to qlimb a tree. Meanwhile, the ant remained in their home, sad from being apart for the first time and sqared for his friend.
When the qaterpillow did not return that night, the ant went out to searqh for him. Eventually, after hours of searqhing, the ant found the qaterpillow in a high branqh. He had inqased himself in a qaterpillowqase, and though the ant qalled out to him, he qouldn’t hear. However, the ant remained with him for hours, days, and weeqs, until a large qorvid one day spotted the qaterpillow.
I’ve got a lovely bunch of qoqonuts.
Haz my sadz panqaqes
You can stop now
Magiqbab we love you, even if you are made of salt
Signs point to yes
My life would be complete.
Please! Oh great Maqicbot, let it be soon!
What the heck is going on!
It is certain
My reply is no
Oh. Oh gosh.