SOLVED: Lachmann: The Fourth Fragment: First Beacon

Based on the clues discovered in the Audio thread. I believe this is the first beacon.

He is flanked by 4 charcters from operas first performed on the dates given in the plaques.


That’s a perfect connection. But, what do we do with it now? Assuming it is the first, do we… do anything? Do we email it to the Devoted?


I hate to help them. But let’s give them the benefit of the doubt they’d have figured it out on their own eventually anyway. Yeah, we should probably email them. Not sure if @luxisdead wants to since he has in the past or someone else would. Probably should today though if we can, or at least before 3:33 PM EST today.

That way we have a chance of getting more info during the next window they seem to communicate in.


The goal is to find and activate Neogic tracking beacon using Neogic resonator. It could be iBeacon - Wikipedia compatible transmitter which have to be detected with mobile phone.


Neogic would mean new magic, possibly hinting at technology they wouldn’t have had in 1986. Brandon drew several hybrid robotic/organic creatures.

Worth running up the flagpole See if it flies.


@Leigha, oh how I love a pun. :slight_smile:


Also Beacon Theatre (New York City) - Wikipedia is located very close to the monument, not sure if it’s just coincidence.

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Anybody want to make another thread for the second beacon? And to label this one as “Solved”? I mean, unless we are totally wrong.

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You’re welcome to, but I was waiting to see if we had progress first. But we’ll need one eventually definitely.


I’ll work on gathering up all the things we know about the next beacon in couple hours, I have some errands to run. Unless someone gets to it before then.


@Robert if you haven’t emailed them already I will (sorry, just got on the computer)


No problem. @Leigha did an hour or so ago, but can’t hurt if they’re more likely to respond to you.


@Robert it looks like they replied to both of us at the same time (she just got to posting it first)

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Did they send you the same message Lux?

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@Leigha yeah I was gonna post a screenshot of it like i had with the previous messages, but you got to it first so i didn’t need to


Seems that someone else may have to make the second beacon thread. I’m focusing on the map right now.

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I will in a couple hours when I get home.

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