SOLVED: Fragment Ten: Gladitor : The Office of Kemetic Solutions

Thanks @Sellalellen. I really apprecaite that.


No problem


I found the email, too. So now that we know this is done, how do we know when the next one arrives?


Was the email a response to Aether’s video to us, or was it the new constellation? Or possibly both?


The constellation I think


Poor Aether! He is just a child! These people… are monsters!


Might be important later…


Hey, can I ask y’all to journey with me on another tin-foil laden adventure?

Okay, so, for folks who are new - a few months ago, during Fragment Four, we encountered a cult called The Devoted. The Devoted were obsessed with a boy named Brandon Lachmann, the only known traveler between the mundane world and the magical world since this world was stripped of its magic. The leader of The Devoted with Sacha, Brandon’s best friend, and she was obsessed with finding him. However, by the time we encountered The Devoted, the group had been taken over by an unknown, malignant group. This group later recruited Sacha, who stated she had “been brought into the fold.”

Now, why do I bring up this piece of Mountaineer history? Because all of those drawings are from Fragment Four. They’re the drawings we used to connect with Brandon, to follow his path. He made them for a game he was making, one that was actually a reflection of his magical memories.

And who do we know who would have those drawings? Sacha.

Who was obsessed with following Brandon’s path? Sacha.

Who do we know who’s willing to get down and dirty to get what she wants, even if it means hurting people? Sacha.

At the very least, I think Sacha joined Kemetic Solutions and is involved with this. And if that person there is a Mountie? I would bet Sacha was involved, perhaps as revenge for us mucking up her plans.

Still not sure this person is indeed a Mountie. Or if they’re just trying to get Aether in contact with us because they think it might unlock his ability to open the door. But I suppose we’ll find out soon enough.


Aether’s blog icon is two overlaying triangles, with the one pointing down on top. So maybe those two triangle symbols have some significance?


Maybe it’s Reader they have? Sacha might consider her a mountie.


That’s a really good possibility. I’m tempted to wonder if Sacha would let her live if she caught her, but I don’t think Sacha is particularly rash. Reader would be perfect lure for us, so better to keep alive.


So we all know by this point how I am about stories and words…
I found these particular shots to be interesting.

The Traveler’s Guide to the Island of Brin and those similar looking pages I’m assuming have to do with the map of Brin. But the other ones look like they were written on stone, maybe even a wall.

Also if someone can get a clearer shot of this at 8:33, I tried for a solid 15 minutes and this is the best I could do.


This is slightly clearer.


Here’s what the fragment 4 Polaroids looked like if that helps.


This door KS is trying to get open, where do we think it leads?


The magiqal world. In tales of Brandon’s departure it was defined as a magiqal world. The opposite to our mundane world that we are living in.


WOW, I just caught up with everything… That video was really disturbing towards the end…


I’m okay @Chordie No need to worry :smile: I’m still not sure exactly how we found the next fragment, because well it doesn’t seem that we found it in the usual way… I dunno though!


Remember the inital clue, from the book? The one that said we have begun the fragment.

You’ve been searching far and wide
For keys to revolution
But something hidden deep inside
Will lead to the solution

Another fragment’s reaching out
From the dark that means to bind it
And it might take all that you have
To heed the call and find it

The fragment and Aether were somehow, intertwined. He somehow became connected to the fragment, so closely that the book refers to them as one in the same. The fragment basically was Aether. He was reaching out, not the fragment itself, and KS is the dark that means to bind him and use him for their own purposes.


Good point.
Looking back, the fragments the Book has us hunting down always seem to be hidden in places where we’ll either learn something about our world, about magiq, or more importantly, help someone.