SOLVED: Fragment Five: Brachursis

I’m out of ideas for now. I will keep messing around with it and see if I can come up with anything else.


I’ve honestly gotten nowhere with anything I’ve tried/researched.
Imagine if everyone is super lost so we send in the “magic word” and one of two things happens

  1. The password is super obvious
  2. We weren’t even suppose to know the password yet, and were suppose to find/go to something else

I will be salty like the dead sea but what can ya do! :sweat_smile:


I’ve tried a bunch to no avail as well. I’m of the mind that the password is something to do with Cagliostro in his background and it’s something we have access to just haven’t lucked into yet.

I’ve got some time to do some more brute forcing today with the holiday and a day off. I think the time to ask the Book for more information is closing in though certainly.


I can give you a hand with some research into Cagliostro. My looking into the weird bits of text led me nowhere, so I am looking to help in other ways now. No holiday up here in Canada, but work is particularly slow these days, so I don’t mind. Happy Thanksgiving to all the American Mountaineers out there though!! :poultry_leg:


I think you’re probably right @Robert. They named their group after him, he’s obviously an important figure to them. Here’s a very rudimentary summary of what I’ve been able to gather about him thus far.
*Disclaimer. As a researcher I look for the facts, and try to avoid speculation as much as possible, theories are for later.

  • He was born Guisseppe Balsamo on June 2, 1743 in Palermo Italy, Died August 26, 1795

  • He’s mostly regarded as a charlatan, with no actual magical power. In that era of history it was common for royalty and the aristocracy to sponsor such people (think Rasputin or John Dee), probably out of paranoid desperation to hold on to their power base. And of course there were plenty of con-artists around happy to prey on that fear. If he had any real power or skill at all, it was likely hypnosis, and apparently he was quite good at it.

  • He was a skilled forger, having famously forged a letter from Casanova.

  • He founded Egyptian Freemasonry, opening lodges across Europe in his later life. (Of course appointing himself Grand Master), It was a sect of masonry that deals with alchemy, Egyptian spiritualism, the occult, and had a structure of 90 degrees (Most masonry has a 33 degree structure, especially Scottish Rite). What that means, essentially, for those who don’t follow conspiracy theories much, is that the Grand Master of the order would be, in Scottish Rite masonry, a 33rd degree mason, having completed 33 rites of initiation and learned all that the order has to teach.
    By 1866, the order had dissolved, largely due to the fact that the higher degrees, (above 33) were deemed superfluous and discriminatory. (Discriminating against who or what I have no idea)

  • His association with the aristocracy, specifically the French court of Louis the 16th, you know, the one who was married to Marie Antoinette, was brought to and end by the “affair of the necklace”. It’s complicated, but suffice it to say it was one of the last big incidents leading up to the French Revolution. He was acquitted of any involvement (and likely wasn’t involved, a lot of people were accused and later exonerated) and asked to leave France.

  • He is often associated in stories with the Comte de Saint Germain, a mysterious and at this point largely mythological figure ( he was an actual person who wielded a lot of power in high places, but little is known about him, which of course leads to a lot of speculation, some of it quite ridiculous, even for someone who believes in magic). Saint Germain is reputed to be the one who taught him Egyptian Freemasonry.

  • He died in prison in Rome, during the Inquisition, having been arrested for his connections to Freemasonry

That’s the bulk of what I’ve got thus far. I’ll keep researching and report what I find.


As far as asking the book for a clue, I have only one problem with it. Not a moral or ethical one, I’m a pragmatist in the marrow my bones, “cheating” doesn’t bother me, as long as it doesn’t lead to a negative result. Which is my problem…
As the book said, “Use it carefully and remember… many magimystic words contain hidden perils.”
I don’t like that word, perils. It’s awfully close to dangers. I’m no coward (at least I don’t think I am), and I’m not saying we absolutely shouldn’t, and anyone who chooses to is perfectly welcome as far as I’m concerned. And we may very well have to, we may very well be meant to use the words. All I’m saying is caution is warranted.


I can already confirm the password is not:

  • Password OR password

  • 1234

  • 0000

These guys are good… Do we know if Cagliostro has a cat…? Hopefully you all have better luck than me :wink:


I can’t even post a sarcastic smiley to this. I’ve tried 1234 and password as well. You know, in case they use the same combination as my luggage.


Deeds published a new blog today.

No new information on the page she found in The Wolf and the Wild. I got no more ideas. I say we request a clue. As @Leigha prudently points out there may be a downside to this, but I’m going to trust it’s less of a downside then being stuck here forever.

Interestingly enough she mentions that she tried to get @AckerlyGreen on social media (I assume twitter) and it was already taken. Looks like the account is private and was created in Jan of 2016. I’ve sent them a follow request so maybe we can see what they have going on in there, if anything.


At this point I don’t know where else to look, so I agree with @Robert that using a word now might not be a bad idea. I will keep researching Cagliostro, although I have already been through his life story a few times and I am not quite sure what in there would be used as a password. I have moved to the serpent type design on The Cagliostro’s mainpage. There are a few serpent references in relation to Cagliostro, one being his seal( as pointed out by @Leigha above), but there is also Ouroboros, the serpent biting its own tail. It originated in Egypt and is often used as a symbol pertaining to alchemy and other aspects pertaining to alchemy and I guess Cagliostro drew that symbol when asked for his “secret sign”.

The link to the Wikipedia page for Ouroboros is here:


Password is also not:

  • ichthywara
  • Ichthywara
  • Cagliostro
  • magiq
  • AckerlyGreen
  • … a few I didn’t write down

I looked into the Ouroboros as well. Tried it as a password, but I got nothing.


Hmmm… I want to say wait on using the magimystical clue for now. We have no idea how far we are from this particular fragment and a hint may prove to be more useful later on when we’re really stuck that early on. The fourth fragment had a dozen moving parts where a hint could have saved us a bit of frustration, but if we had used it too early it would have felt like wasting it.

But keep in mind, that magimystical word wasn’t entrusted to me, so I think that it is ultimately up to the person who was given the word. The Book trusted them, not me, so take everything I say with a grain of salt. I’m not above using the hint, I just think we might be able to suss this out on our own in a day or two.

That being said, I don’t know where we would look in the next few days that we haven’t already looked at in some detail already. Is there a hint still in the vines within the gate on the page, some clue hidden in the arrangement of the words/passages? I have no idea but I’m not ready to give up just yet.

I’m also bloated on tryptophan and alcohol so keep my “RAH! RAH! We can do it!” rant in perspective.


Well the text on the password page says to “enter the password you were given.” Assuming that text was directed at us, then we were given a password. And it’s probably in or near that document. I think in those word fragments.

Of course, we might just be backdooring into a site and they have no idea who we are and we were never given a password. Then we would have to get very lucky to guess it.


@Brendon you’re spot on about the ouroboros. I had opened up the page info on the Cagliostro’s site, and the image moving behind the “C” is two ouroboros interlocked, like a figure eight, doubling up on infinity symbolism.
More than that, they’re moving in opposite directions, widdershins (counter-clockwise), and deosil (clockwise). Deosil in magic is used to amplify or grow something, and widdershins is used to reduce or diminish things. These two interlocking would suggest both happening at once, creation and destruction interlocked, as it always is in nature.
Or, they could have just thought it looked cool. (It does)
I don’t know if any of that means anything for us, but it struck me when I saw it.

Hypnotic, isn’t it?


Don’t know if this was already mentioned, but there is an Ackerly Green website - Looks like Deeds is keeping a list of the books she has found thus far.

Besides that, still nothing on the password front for me.:disappointed_relieved:


No. I dont think anyone mentioned that. good find!


Poll time:

If we do not figure out the Cagliostro password by Monday, we should:

  • Ask for a clue
  • Keep waiting

0 voters

Don’t forget, we actually have two magimystical words that can be used to get a clue, so even if we use it this time, we still have another for later.

Just want to suss out how people are feeling about using the clue.


I’m a bit confused, how do we have two words?


@Piki and I each have one.