SOLVED: Fragment Five: Brachursis

I’m sort of tempted to print out the brachursis pieces and see if i can make shapes or something with them or if they fit together. They look like those puzzles in school that end up making a shape or something of the sort.


Wow wow wow! Great job Randomiser! I never would have thought to do that. Another fragment found already! Way to go!

And I agree with @supernova. There’s a chance this puzzle may end up being in 3D.


I can’t tell if it’s a fragment in itself (edit: apparantly it is from the email) or just another step in a puzzle. I definitely think you can shape something by folding it - but I can’t tell quite what just by looking at it, and I don’t have access to a printer right now.


Awesome job guys!!!
I disappear for a few hours and it gets solved.

Edit: Who are Miss L Ellsworth and AC? And I recognise a number of the animals on the fragment… rather excited that some of them are Australian, but doubt any actual key will be here given the locations of everything else.


I’m currently gluing the pieces together. Not quite sure what to do with them afterwards, but they definitely create shapes. It’s bringing me back to the days of my papercraft obsession. :blush:

On a side note, does anyone want to guess why the crab and rooster symbols have extra little designs on their tiles? Perhaps they’re of some importance?

Edit: I put them together (more or less), but for some reason the rooster is the only symbol that doesn’t get its own side? Unless I messed up somehow. :sweat:


Whoo so much happened while i as sleeping :wink:
Maybe the two shapes should be united as one? I will print them out later and try, too.


I found the same… I wondered whether it was a way to indicate how the two bits went together

Edit: I have been looking at the way the animals are presented, and it sort of looks like sky/stars. I wondered whether there was any zodiac connection as some are part of chinese astrology (and at least crab in western)… but others like ostrich and swordfish didn’t make sense until i found this:

Not sure if it is a lead or a red herring, but definitely looks promising


Maybe there are more parts to come? I now printed it out and to make two seperate forms for now seems to be the better way…but I´m not too great at 3D Puzzles…
Also for now, the animals have nothing to do with the storys we dealt with so far?

The rooster side ist strange - the only way, to give it its own siede would be cutting it off from one additional side…


For anyone else who wants to give it a try:


So wait… Is this the fifth fragment? I’m not sure why but for whatever reason I expected more… I mean after the long game that the fourth fragment was, it feels different (dare I say, easier?). Maybe for each key the fragments progressively get more difficult? I dunno! But great work everybody!


The first fragment was pretty similar to this as I understand it. Basically it was a single page, a lot of detective work, and a search that led us to CRSumner’s blog. I imagine this is similarly laying the groundwork.

While the fragment may not have been the longest trail, I’d argue it’s one of the more important ones. Finding it opened up a new resource for information which may well give us fragments six through eight.

I have no doubt great challenges still lie ahead of us on this, no worries.


Maybe its possible that we need to remove the gold pieces for the puzzle to work?


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: The Cagliostro

4 posts were split to a new topic: The Cagliostro

Also, there’s a new email for today in the webmail. A response happened about two hours ago. Stuff about people breaching the server’s/email, stealing information, and some package. Maybe they are onto us haha


Or maybe we weren’t the only ones who got into their server.


I hope that they don’t shut it down and move it to something else. I don’t think they would detect us… We didn’t brute force our way in since we had the password, eventually, unless they were talking about a different file server. I’m not into tech stuff like that so I might be wrong, who knows.


I want to say it’s just bad timing. They did say the server and email would shut down immediately if they detected an intrusion, which makes me think they haven’t caught on to us. Well, either that, or tinfoil hat theory that they’re expecting us.


I believe the e-mail is saying that they have now put in contingencies if someone tries to force their way in. Since we have the password, it shouldn’t detect us as we aren’t brute forcing our way in. But the e-mail also said the package is coming tomorrow, I am going to be checking that file server frequently and the email for any sign of added files