Shelfie Time!

Fascinating book collection, and very cool helmets!

Totally unrelated to books, but what’s that black thing by the window in the floor? :smirk:


@Ignatius it looks like you’re a division agent with the helemets, the medic bag and the gloves :laughing:


That’s a great call! More from the first game than the second, but I totally see it!

Also, I totally think that’s a lamp. My eyes like to play tricks on me lol


Yeah that’s a lamp I think I just never threw it away lol


I’ve been dying to post here, but believe it or not, haven’t had a free minute to take pictures of my bookshelves :roll_eyes:

Anyway, we have a bunch of different bookshelves in our home. The main one is in our office/guest room:

This one had a recent vacancy, from a set of Dresden Files novels :grin:. I planning on bringing some classics up from my old room at my parents’ house and re-stocking soon.

But we actually have a bunch more in our kitchen!

We have some big built-ins in our family room, but they’re most taken up by board games, baskets of DVD’s and Lego creations. There are a couple devoted to children’s books, for easy access:

This thread is so fun! Thanks for sharing, everybody!


Came down to my childhood home for the weekend. Managed to nab a pic of the bookshelves in my old room.


I finally took pictures of my book storage.

…and realized how long it’s been since I’ve dusted, so I’ll be taking new shelfies once they’re in a less embarrassing state. :sweat_smile:


Hey look, I finally dusted my shelves! :sweat_smile:
Most of the first four have a back layer. :catherineread:


One of my bookshelves is also double-layered, so you’re in good company!
Bishoujo Senshi!!!


Right now this is my only personal bookshelf, but I have enough books to completely overflow another identical shelf if I were to get one (which I plan to do after our situation stabilizes a bit). Not ashamed to say I also have 5 more books on the way with nowhere to put them!


Just wanted to mention how absolutely invaluable this thread is, having a reference for how to re-tetris all my books and things after moving. So helpful.


I forgot this thread existed until Ash resurrected it, but I’m happy I have a place to show the ridiculousness of my bookshelves :joy:

Even though we got rid of some books before we moved in together, we still have an absurd amount of books. Most of our shelves are double stack (and still not everything fits, but non-fiction is most of the left bookcase while all of the right one is fiction!


Would love to post but have to much rubbish in my room.


So do I.
Post anyway!


One of my many bookcases in my room.


I’m finally getting an actual bookshelf, so I’ll be able to arrange my books all nice. I usually just keep all my books in boxes other than the ones I’m actually reading because I didn’t have anywhere else to put them, and the ones I was reading would end up cluttering what little desk space is have or sitting on my bed. I finally decided I need a real (though small) bookshelf to make things a little tidier and be able to show off some of the really nice books I have. I will of course post a picture once I have it set up.


So I posted a picture of my shelves earlier this year, but I’m currently in the process of moving to a new apartment with my wife. We’re moving furniture on Saturday, but we’ve been bringing a car load of things to our new apartment (an hour away from our current place, but only 5 minutes from my spouse’s job) so we’re making good progress on getting stuff out of our current place.

This morning, I officially finished moving our books in, so I wanted to present to you all Shelves, Deconstructed:

As you might rightly assume, this took A LOT of trips, but I’m certainly happy (as is my body) to not have to lift any more boxes of books up to the third floor!

Side note: you can see the BoB if you look closely!


I have a similar photo for the opposite reason. This is the stack of books that I gave away when I was very heavily pregnant with my son and needed more room in the house. :grin:

Sometimes I still miss them…


We moved about a month ago, and even though we shelved our books pretty quickly, the area wasn’t complete until this weekend. Here’s our new bookshelf/reading area situation!


I love it!!!
The poster and the painting and the pendant lights and the seating…!!
I thought I saw a sewing machine on that table over there but was mistaken