Personality Types: The Guilds, Astrology, Meyers-Briggs, Enneagrams, and More!

Okay, okay, I’ll bite.

Guild: Ebenguard
Sun Sign: Capricorn
Moon Sign: Aquarius
Rising Sign: Gemini
Chinese Zodiac: Earth Ram
Myers-Briggs: ISTJ
DiSC: Conscientiousness (strongly inclined)
Strengths: Intellection, Harmony, Discipline, Analytical, Restorative
Enneagram: 6w5
True Colors: Gold/Green
Keirsey Temperament: Guardian
Celtic Tree: Birch
Celtic Animal: Deer
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Ilvermory House: Horned Serpent
Wand: Blackthorn wood with a phoenix feather core, 10 ¾" and hard flexibility
Patronus: Mastiff


mmm I’m really into astrology so I thought I’d participate here!

My guild is Weatherwatch!

Sun; taurus
Moon; cancer
Rising; leo
Venus; cancer
Lilith; scorpio

My myer briggs is INFJ!
My enneagram is type4w8!

My hogwarts house is Hufflepuff!

When I was younger (like, in highschool) i sued to keep a notebook. and any person i met who i wasn’t incredibly intimidated by, i’d ask for their birth info (weird, ik) pull up their natal chart, and write it down. it was great for studies! in return, though, i almost always had to read their chart to them… which was also good practice! there’s generally patterns of all kinds, Cat, so you’re right in having that kind of curiosity. Though I do tend to think that the patterns arise mostly in the type of people they attract and who you hang around. There tends to be a certain sign you find yourself around in certain phases of your life! They always bring different lessons to the table.


Hey my dudes! I followed this thread because I recently made a dnd character based on the idea the moment I started building the character. They’re super cool they’re a goliath called beryl who is strong and dependable and to the point but also good with people.
Anyway so heres mine
Guild: Gossmere :two_hearts::revolving_hearts::two_hearts:
Sun: Gemini
Moon: Libra
Rising: Libra
Chinese: Fire Rat :fire::rat:
Babylonian: MUL.MASH.TAB.BA.GAL.GAL (the great companians)
Celtic Tree: Hawthorn
Mayan: Water, Tone 11 Trecana: Storm
Galactic Signature: Kin 140: Yellow Planetary Sun (what an earth is this, this is so interesting and is odd to my eyes)
Hogwarts: Ravenclaw
Ilvermorny: Pukwudgie
Patronus: Blackbird
Wand: Pear wood with a Unicorn core hair 10 1/2 inches, slightly swishy
Birthstone: Emerald
Tarot Card: Death
Lunar Sway: Derse Aspect: Space True Sign: Gemga
Classpect: Seer of Hope (I didn’t even realise this was a whole system of stuff, it’s super interesting


Might as well throw some information out there on me. :slight_smile:
Just answering the 1s I can, hard to keep track of all these personality tests.

Guild: Thornmouth
Sun: Cancer
Moom: Cancer
Rising/Ascendant: Libra
Chinese: Snake
Hogwarts: Hufflepuff
Ilvermorny: Pukwudgie
Patronus: Salmon
Birthstone: Ruby
Tarot Card: The Hanged Man

May add more, gotta go back and check some of these things.


Not alot of people know this but western astrology, is based off of what the stars looked like around 2000 years ago. So if you go by where the stars are actually when you were born, it will put people in a slightly different constellation. And that’s not even counting the thirteenth sign that astronomers are trying to add. I linked to an article if anyone wants to learn more.


Here’s the thing though, they’ve changed where the signs dates land, but they haven’t updated the characteristics of the signs. Example: There’s no way I’m a Sagittarius. I’m not adventurous, energetic, optermistic, and extroverted. Not even mildly. Meanwhile, Capricorn is exactly me. Serious, stoic, introverted, traditional, responsible.


I thought about that too. Something to think about for instance is what if those characteristics that you identify with as a Capricorn as some true Sagittarius traits? How do we know the true characteristics of each sun sign? Also you have to put into account that in astrology a majority of the importance lies in all the aspects and houses your planets are in. Not just the sign placement of planets (which is still important) have in your true birth chart, once you use the accurate stars when you were born,of course. Another thing is, you could have a strong influence of Capricorn from other plant placements in Capricorn, many strong aspects to Saturn , and/or many planets in the 10th house (Capricorns house). People are to multi-faceted to just go off of sun placements, you have to look at all the stars if you want to look at astrology, and accurate readings of them, in my opinion. I find that some Vedic astrology sites use more accurate star maps and calculations if you want to find a more accurate birth chart. Some even put the planets in different houses! But for the Vedic astrology I just look at the placement in signs, I’m trying to find a nice middle ground with all the different charts.
I just find it interesting to think about and try to pull from all sorts of places to get a more precise reading of the stars when I was born and the theories around what that even means.


What @Nyxdies said. I’m Aqua sun which should make me all emotionally detached and entirely focused on futuristic ideas.
But I’m a Leo moon and Cancer rising with stelliums in Capricorn and Scorpio.
All of which means that, while I still appear emotionally detached on the outside, inwardly, I’m feeling ALL the feels (Cancer+Leo), with a tendency to sometimes be dramatic about it (Leo) around the people who know me best. I’m also prone to being workaholic (Capricorn), and have a vengeful streak (Scorpio).


I have wished so hard that I could sell an astrology book just called YOU ARE NOT JUST YOUR SUN SIGN, and have that printed on every page.

There are 10 astrological planets, plus all sorts of other fun things to play with—boiling personality down to just one makes for either shallow astrology or shallow people.


Thought I’d chime in since I love these kinds of things!

Guild: Ebenguard :ebenguard:
Bearing: Marentide (Eclipse)
Sun Sign: Libra
Moon Sign: Pisces
Rising Sign: Gemini
Chinese: Earth Rabbit
Myers-Briggs: INFP (Fi - Ne - Si - Te)
Enneagram: Type 4 wing 5

Also big same @Lexington, there are so many layers to astrology it’s insane! One day you discover that you’re not just your sun sign, and the next you’re trying to figure out how houses work and what your Midheaven tells you about your career path haha.

In a way, it’s the same with Myers-Briggs: sometimes people only hear of it through the 16 personalities test (which is a great introduction!), but if you listen close enough you can hear me yelling in the background “read about the cognitives functions please I’m begging you!!”


I’m taking a personality psychology course this semester and I wasn’t all that excited about it when I registered, but it’s growing on me quickly! I should learn about Myers-Briggs and Enneagrams and all that, which should be pretty fun.