Magic Affinities

In the past Call to Hearth has been used as a way to calm a raging beast, or bring peace between two upset friends. However, like all magiq it is up for interpretation.


I find this concept perhaps the most interesting @Sapphire I adore these lists of affinities you have assembled and have made note for future thought.

May I hazard a perhaps early speculation on what Astral Thinking may be? I’m sure it’s going to resemble it’s user in manifestation differently however what if this is a for of metaphysical thought. Everything from ‘lightbulb’ moments of understanding or out of body experiences of dissociated awareness to the complete dissolve of self and ego that can be experienced on psilocybin?


Astral Thinking has been covered a bit more in over in Magical Affinities - Thornmouth thread.

Out of body and telepathic projection have been suggested.


I do have a question about affinities I’d like to throw out there for discussion.

The power of senses?
I’m very sensory as a person but the keenest I find is scent. If I catch the scent of someone I can tell a lot about them, mood, demeanour, desires & intent. I also tend to find that I can find them again. Or where they have been, what or who they have made contact with. I’m a Flinter so this is just dang baffling but I’d enjoy people’s thoughts.

P.S I don’t reveal this trait often as I like the little advantage it gives me. My little knowing and seeing if you catch me :wink:


Could you be poly-guild?
That kind touches ideas speculated for Weatherwatch Navimancy and/or Ebenguard Grim’s Convergance. Perphaps if you trained your skill with scenting might develop into 1 of those skills?

I dont think we have a full picture of magiq yet, but I seriously doubt that you can only perform magiqs that your guild has an affinity for, you arent born to your guild, at least not in the current age. And we have cast spells that require all guilds/elements to be represented, so its not unreasonable to assume there are magiqs not categoriesed by the affinities.

I think the afinities are more statistically based guideline, eg skilled and powerful Alchemists tend to be Flinters, but thats not to say there arent edge cases and strong Alchemists in other guilds.
In the other direction, you might not be capable of an affinity specific to your guild.
Its more like a venn diagram with overlaps and strong correlations, but it is by no means absolute, if it was, imagination wouldnt be as powerful as it is.


I am poly guild I’m a Flinterforge and Thornmouth. I’m forged from life and alchemy is deeply inherit in my magiq as are runes and wards however I notice that I have always been sensory and in another life or time and another name I will not speak I was a hound for finding that which sought to remain hidden.


Could be a type of Thornmouth Peering Arts?

We have no idea how or what influence past lifes might have, so might not be related to a known afinity at all.


I think that the divergence between the Book of the Wild and the Book of Kings makes it hard to see the true nature or capacity of some or the choices one would make if allowed unfettered. Sometimes even a cage of our own creation is still a cage and what our reach could be can’t be known. Maybe you are right about the Peering arts :man_shrugging::wink::thinking:


This is probably a more mundane answer than you are looking for but it could be sensory issues? I also can tell lots about people from their scent, but my sensitivity is almost certainly tied to the fact that I am autistic. It could just be that your brain is wired in such a way that you can’t ignore the information you get from your nose, but you’ve turned it into a strength rather than a weakness.
That being said, I’m sure it will be very useful for alchemy. I haven’t found much mundane use for it personally except “you said you’re not wearing makeup but I can smell your mascara” but it may have some other advantages when it comes to magiq.


Earlier whilst just sitting with my dog I had a thought.

Could communion magiq be related to the part of the Gossmere description, “Or a great champion, fighting to free the enslaved with the shared spirits of brave warriors in your heart” Could communion magiq be what’s being referenced here? Might communion magiq not only be used to link thoughts or minds or those living, aka could you talk to a figure from the past and/or someone whose dead? I am not saying it would only be with “brave warriors” but any and all you wished to communicate with?

Just a thought. Let me know if anyone has another interpretation! (I’ve read most of those previous but I might have missed a few.)


I love this interpretation!


It’s worth reading the age of five series. And my response is about the get a bit spoilery…

Dreamweavers in Age of Five, use the mind and dream linking to share current thoughts and feelings and their own memories and memories from others.
It allows them to pass on healing knowledge that can’t be put into words and is one of the main reasons they are such great healers. They can pass on complex techniques, but also experience and understand their patients.
The memories of everyone can be shared and they carry memories from long dead Dreamweavers. Careful grounding is needed to prevent yourself being lost in anothers memories.
Communing with the past is in a way possible, you can’t interact with someone dead, but if they shared their memories then you can experience their memories as your own, or as a watcher.

Communication with the dead, would be closer to my theorised version of the Swift Tongues of Kalivar.


I might have to read this books series it sounds rather cool! I meant to respond earlier but completely forgot so I apologize.


This sounds really interesting. I think I will try to make time to read these :heart:


@Sapphire For astral thinking I believe it’s similar to astral projecting. But instead of your full conscious being sent into the A.P. (astral plane) only a small portion of your mind is. So it can more or less focus on one given task or situation without interruption. Though I’m not a Thornmouth and haven’t tried the spell myself so I’m no expert.