Lachmann: The Fourth Fragment: The Second Trial

Heh, I can’t blame you for being serious with them. They seem like a pretty strict group. Maybe I’m just discriminating against people who speak in plural pronouns and short sentences. :sweat:

I’m not sure that there’s a whole heck of a lot more to us to discover, so hopefully it’s good enough for the devoted. Well, no sense in stressing about it now, right?


Only two and a half hours left, guys… I sure hope we did the right thing! :smiley:


I dunno. We’ve made assumptions on assumptions on assumptions. Any of them could be iffy, but each of them is mostly sound and the results are at least interesting. I think we have a decent chance.


22 more minutes :sweat_smile:


Well… Not sure if good news or bad news, but there was no clear confirmation if the mazes were right.
Here’s what they said:
“We are close to completing the third trial.
You have not finished the second.
We will only send more materials when you complete the second trial.
You are not adhering to The Timeline.
We will continue without you.
If we are unable to reach him it will not be our fault.
It will be yours.”
So… Great

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Where do they keep getting this ‘more materials’ anyway? I think they’re holding out on us and then blaming us for not being grateful for it. And then they refuse to take responsibility for the games they are playing that can lead to their failure.


What I wanna know is, why the hell do they need us? I mean sure, getting new “recruits” is great and all… But why us?! They have been able to solve the puzzles time after time, where do we come in? What do we provide for them? We haven’t seemed to help, since they are always ahead of us! I dunno, this is all really disheartening. We really tried this time, but oh no, its all our fault that THEY aren’t giving us the stuff we need to progress in sync with them!

Edit: You know what, I’m just gonna try and remain calm through all of this. It’s really frustrating but we did try, and I have no regrets. We did all the we could do, right? We did our best.


Hey everyone, sorry I have been gone for a while, life gets busy and well… you know the rest. Anyway, awesome work on the maps everyone. I have been doing some thinking about the rest of the documents the Devoted sent us. There are some parts of the story that haven’t been used yet. (Put your tinfoil hat on now) Thinking specifically about the seven gifts the Rochefoucald family laid for the fallen hero. The spoils of the hunt, the water from the well, the blood from a battle, a shield, two locks of virgin’s hair, the dust scraped from a castle wall and a tiny flytrap. I can’t tell you how many times I read through this. Anyway, something clicked, and I remembered something from my Social Studies class in high school talking about a series of seven tapestries called “The Hunt of the Unicorn”… why is this important? The seven tapestries represent:

  1. The Start of the Hunt
  2. The Unicorn at the Fountain
  3. The Unicorn Attacked
  4. The Unicorn Defending Himself
  5. The Unicorn is Captured by the Virgin
  6. The Unicorn Captured and Brought to the Castle
  7. The Unicorn in Captivity

This seems way too close to be a coincidence, but as always, I warn that this could all be a major wild goose chase. I am going to delve into this a little bit more in a little bit. Thoughts?


Well, looks like we didn’t do all we could! Although, its seems a little odd. I mean, could unicorn tapestries actually have something to do with all this? Flipping unicorns? It does seem really coincidental… I say run with it, considering the state we are in at the moment, but I’m not sure what significance it holds.

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That’s really interesting actually, because those very tapestries are being exhibited in the Met Cloisters, in NYC! Surely that can’t be a coincidence.

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Oh god… This doesn’t mean what I think it means… Does it? Are we gonna have to send another person out?? I really didn’t want to do that again. Not after what happened with Cole, the poor guy was so scared… If that’s where the next disc is located, we are not sending him again.

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@H3RM3S lives in NYC right?

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I definitely agree, that was super creepy. There must be another recruit in NYC. I think we had a few people volunteer the last time who just couldn’t make it due to scheduling issues, right? If it does end up being there…the cloisters is at least a relatively populated, indoors place, so it’s not as freaky.

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That is true. Last time we had a couple people who lived in NYC. It was… @H3RM3S, I think @Dustin (though who knows how active he is at this point) and a friend of @YankeeWhite, Daniel I think it was.

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Well I continued my research, and it appears you all beat me to what I found. I am going to throw it on a map, with the frog, owl, cat, and mouse and see if it can create anything. I think actually heading to the Cloister should be a last resort, though. I can’t imagine we have to resort to that quite yet, I mean, we did just have to go to the Triplets Bridge.

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Can anyone make heads or tails of this?

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Maybe try the little X marks the spot thing like those other two times? I mean, its been done before but it couldn’t hurt, maybe its the right location, and the unicorn tapestries are part of a bigger piece of the puzzle.

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I tried… the only thing that came up was… well nothing. The X thing gets a whole lot less appealing when there isn’t an even number. Hmm… I wonder if any of the recuits in NYC are around that area in the coming days. I don’t want to send someone there if this is a wild goose chase, but if they are close, maybe it doesn’t hurt? Might help us cross some things off the list?

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I’m sure we can see if @H3RM3S can go. I think he might’ve volunteered last time, or something! Hopefully its not too much of a bother!

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Any chance you and @CCon are in the Manhattan area tomorrow? Wouldn’t hurt to check out the Cloisters and see if you can find anything. Only reason I say tomorrow (and I am not expert in time zones), but it is 7:41 in NYC and most museums and what not aren’t open that late.

Also, can’t quite tell you what to look for. Maybe a clue, maybe a note. Last time Cole found a “disc” with numbers on the back, I am not sure we are quite at that point for this trial though but you never know.

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