In-World Character Differences

I’m new to everything but if I had a choice between being myself or making an OC, I’d rather just be myself. The 15 year old Chicagoan who became a mountaineer by luck, or was it by fate?


Hi, I’m new to this all, and having read this thread I feel like it’s definitely pushing towards being Me+ as the in-world persona. I’m not sure I can do that, for various reasons including bad memory (was that the real me or the magiq me who did that?) And also just habit.

Would it be okay to use a different name for my in-world persona? I don’t necessarily have to make a whole new character, but a different name would help me differentiate. I do enjoy character creation, and trust me, I know how to run a good npc, but if the vibe here is ‘self but magic’ would it still be chill to juggle a different name?


Hey, @SabineBean - great question! In general, I’d say it’s pretty much up to you. Many of us don’t use our real names on the Forum. My name isn’t actually Viviane, but that’s how I refer to my “me + magiq” persona. A username change is a little different (we don’t typically allow that because it breaks @ mentions, etc.), but in terms of how people refer to you on the Forum, you can use whatever name or nickname you want (within reason and the Forum rules, obviously.)

Generally, when we say “self but magic,” that’s primarily in reference to the majority of details that inform our backstory and participation in the narrative elements of AGP storytelling. For example, Viviane lives near Washington D.C. and works in education research because those are things I do. The similarities make the roleplay feel that much more immersive and rewarding (e.g., “Sorry I’m late to help with casting this spell, I’m trapped on a train during rush-hour while the Metro is on fire” might actually be true), and has also helped us make some deeper connections through sharing our real-life circumstances (pets, hobbies, etc.)

Hope that helps! Feel free to respond here, or message me or a Guild Leader if you have other questions. :slight_smile:


Somehow I missed this thread. To echo what Ginger said, when I started (Fragment 2) I had actually picked a ‘username’ like I did on every forum. After a few days I realized everyone around me was named Mike, or AlisonB, or some other ‘real’ name and I figured I’d try being ‘me’ as well. Edit so I changed my username to Robert.

And to echo what @Viviane just said I picked Robert because it’s technically me, but it’s a name I never use in real life (except with telemarketers so I can pretend I’m not home.) So it kinda fit the line between ‘fake’ and real me.

Basically Robert is (Bob + magiqverse belief + the tendancy to freak out at suggestions of changing history + a borderline unhealthy Lauren obsession). I’ve accumulated a few ‘character quirks’ over the years kinda organically.


Hi @Viviane and @Robert , thanks for the clarification! I’ve read the books now and I kinda get it a little more than I did before. Still, it’s tricky for me since I’ve got like… 2 names and using either would feel odd.
I guess magic me can be Sabine and real me can be Bean? That works fine. Might have to add and change my profile description but I just need that little degree of separation so I don’t get my memories confused!

SabineBean has just been my username for a lot of sites, Sabine hasn’t really been my actual name before. But hey, I’m willing to try new things! Names are tricky anyway, don’t you think? Thanks for your help!

Edit: The name Bean actually came from Sabine in the first place, so that makes it easier haha


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