Guild Bingo: Day Of Change 2020

Balimoran Songs:

Eye of the Storm - Cruxshadows
The Willow Maid - Erutan
The HU - Yuve Yuve Yu
Mirte Against the Big City - The Cog is Dead
Grieve No More- Patty Gurdy


Magimystic Memory:

I used to talk to trees. A lot. As in whole conversations with them where they talked back if I just sat still long enough. People dismissed it as being ‘imaginary friends’, but I quite clearly recall being able to understand the trees I met. Some were standoffish and didn’t want to speak to a human, some were quite chatty in their own way, but they all COULD talk, even if they chose not to, and I could hear them.

I don’t know when I lost the ability to understand Tree, but I miss it every day.


That Mongolian rock band… :heart_eyes:


1. Guild Wear

So I figured I would pair this with some jeans, nice boots and a cool beanie, I would slip a book in my back pocket and be on my way. However, let’s be honest if I was in my room or in Thornmouth manor going to the library or kitchen, I’d be wearing my trusty lounge pants which I can roll up if need be, dorky socks, and slip on shoes because that’s a whole lot more comfortable to sit in for hours than anything else.
2. Lists
Yeah this isn’t my strong suit but I figured I could make a list for a perfect winter night.

  1. For background music, listen to The Book of Love by Gavin James, Little Wonders by Rob Thomas, Lost Boy by Ruth B. and The Call by Regina Spektor. Honestly,whatever makes you happy because it’s more than just books that give knowledge, music does to although @VictorianFlorist Playlist for us Thornies is pretty great.
  2. Blankets and candles (placed safely so passing cats don’t rub up against them). If you can, have a fire going
  3. Hot Cocoa and cookies like my mom’s peanut butter star ones (1 cup of peanut butter, 1 cup of sugar, 1 egg, put in fridge for a bit, take them out when cold, roll into small balls and place chocolate stars on top slightly squishing them but don’t flatten past half way just enough to secure star, then 350 degrees fahrenheit for 8 minutes)
  4. Good book, this is important; Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern although you could also do A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness.
  5. A nice rocking recliner is the best thing for seating, you can curl up in it and rock or stretch out or curl up and have a cat at the end, very versatile.
    3. Places
    Ireland just so much of everything there that really represents all of us. If I had to pick one places though, it’s pretty obvious: The Long Room at Trinity College in Dublin.

    4. Magimystic Memory
    Honestly, all the times I started reading at 8pm and didn’t realize what time it was till it was 2am and I’m done with another book like the second half of The Thorne of Glass series or A Courts of Thorns and Roses or the later books of Ranger’s Apperentic and Artemis Fowl.
    5. Elements
    I was going to talk about dreamcatchers because they’re excellent in protection, how they came about and are made is cool and I’ve always been drawn to them so much so that I have many of them. However, I went searching about to see if I could find anything more specific and I found something that I forgot I had. It’s this trinket that you can put on a necklace or bracelet and it’s 6 metal rings wrapped inside of each other. I had gotten one in the Bisexual flag colors for myself and probably could be considered my elemental along with my mechanical moon necklace because I know that they represent me well even if it’s just to myself and no one else but anyway as I was scrolling through all the colors something pulled at me when I saw this light blue one and everything in me said “that’s for her”. So I bought it too and tucked it away for safe keeping for whenever whoever she is shows up, it seemed pretty magical to me especially with the bag I keep it in.

    And mine along with the current book I’m reading:

    6. Mood Board
    My guild feels to me like a home in a castle which means a bunch of books, good food, and good people with a crazy set up to live and work in but also really cool places to hide away in when you want to be alone. Some of the pictures are actually some of the ones used last year in the Thornmouth Day of Change post because I thought it was right and appropriate. I would’ve included cookies but I thought that was going overboard with pictures.

Added a mood board in my Bingo card!



1. Guild Gear

The outfit I planned was for a prime day of adventuring. ^-^
The outfit I was dying to create requires many things that are currently packed away T.T I did my best to hide brands, but unfortunately all my AGP hats are in a big ol’ box of hats in a storage locker, so deal with my Star Wars merch.

2. Lists

Here have a random list of songs that give me Ebbie vibes.

  • Deep Water by American Authors
  • King and Lionheart by Of Monsters and Men
  • Ordinary Day by Great Big Sea
  • Hey Brother by Avicii
  • Broken Arrows by Avicii ft Zach Brown Band
  • Not Today by BTS
  • You’ll Never Walk Alone by Josh Groban
  • Soldiers by Otherwise
  • The Crow, the Owl, and the Dove by Nightwish

3. Places

Pictured above is Mewata Armoury. It’s essentially a big castle in the middle of downtown that most people shrug off and pass by not knowing what it is or what goes on inside. Once upon a time it stood completely alone, isolated with loads of space around, but downtown has since exploded and surrounded it. Immediately upon entering you see the big parade square, because the basic function of the armoury is that it acts as a drill hall, but there’s loads of offices, there’s mess halls, the basements (Yes, plural) are a wild mess of little known passageways between rooms that have long since been repurposed.

That’s a neat building, Ginger, why are you telling us about this?

Good question random audience member. Well, for someone who moved quite frequently growing up, I have spent more time in this building than any childhood home I’ve had. I spent at least half of my evenings in a week, and plenty of weekends in this armoury for several years. I know every room, every ghost story, the best nap spots to not get caught, where the best showers are, where they store the good rations that they hoard for the officers. To put it simply, it’s home to a bunch of different military units and organizations, such as the Squadron I was a part of and used to command. Sometimes it’s an impressive feat of how many groups you can have training around each other at one time, and other times there lies a comfortable quiet that no one is keen on breaking.

I chose this building because it is the ultimate place of purpose. No one is allowed in the building without reason, and everyone has a job that they are doing or a task that they’re completing. The uses of this building are as varied as the people who frequent it; it’s a place of mourning and of celebration, a place for training and learning, a shelter in times of need, a practice space for marching bands, a place to hold banquets, a place to grab an adult beverage with a pal who is also legally an adult. Not to mention it’s a building home to loads of people who live their lives in service to others. If that all wasn’t super Ebbie, it’s a giant castle in the middle of a downtown core, how does it get anymore Ebbie???

4. Magimystic Memory

Hmmmmm. I can think of loads for the other guilds, like the time I read four books in under 48 hours because they were just so good and I had to know what happens - very Thornmouth if I do say so myself. Pinpointing an exact memory for Ebenguard feels more difficult … perhaps it’s because things about me and about my life that are tied to my guild aren’t small moments, but the overall mosaic they create - doing a random good deed is different than intentionally spending time working for a specific cause. Or maybe I’m being super Ebbie due to the fact I’m blanking on every act of service I’ve ever done … which is only like my whole life?? Or maybe it’s because I don’t rightfully know the effect of my efforts, and have come to terms with the fact that I most likely won’t be the one to enjoy the fruits of my labours that are done for the sake of others.

There is one moment I can think of. I had just finished my Friday evening rehearsal, and I could’ve easily hopped on the bus and went home to start my weekend, but for some reason that felt wrong. I ended up going and sitting in one of the cafeterias and getting a snack. I had plenty of food at home, why did I need to buy something on campus? All of it was so silly and unnecessary. Before long one of my friends ends up walking by and I waved them over. Next thing I know we go for a walk, find a quiet spot, and she’s cautiously unloading her grief about a family member who had just passed. This girl who is a ball of sunshine, had been carrying around all that grief all by herself because she didn’t want to upset anyone else by talking about it, and was unable to make a trip home for a few more days.

I don’t really remember specifics of what was said, but I clearly remember going home that evening and understanding that the weird anomaly in my own behaviour was so that I could be there to help my friend. I remember leaving and saying to myself that yes, that was guided intentional path that lead me to helping someone step a bit out of the darkness they were facing.

5. Elementals

Tides is a tricky thing to have inspiration for in a house with definitely not a water theme in a land locked province. My immediate go to is usually my vials of sand because I’m unoriginal. For those who don’t know, I collect little glass vials or jars of sand from places I’ve been. I would show you all pictures of my collection, but they are packed safely away in storage so I can’t :laurencry: I have a bunch of the little guys, and normally I put something else in it to distinguish it other than a boring old label on the bottle. I have sand from the place I was born on Vancouver Island, I have sand from the cottage by the town all from family is from on the other side of the country, I have sand from Juno Beach when I visited it on a trip going to major Canadian landmarks of WWI and WWII, I have sand from my Nanny’s favourite place in the world which happens to be in Scotland, and I have sand from cool places I’ve been or fun days I had with friends at particular beach. (I also have like essentially dirt and gravel from mountains I’ve climbed but those aren’t really watery so shhhh)

So yes, I have a collection that is meaningful to me, but we’re here for the magimystical. I used one of the vials (sand from where I was born) in an invitation spell with Robert we created in PRSFNE once upon a time for those who know what that was, or read about it. I’m still quite proud of that shared creation, and it was really interesting to get to write.
“Imagination is nothing more than a memory transposed” That was what Brandon Lachman said and what Itsuki used to always say. In a sense, these are little vials of my memories, each with their own story. So based on everything we think we know about magiq, if there wasn’t magimystical energy within them or tied to them then I’m jumping ship and going to Balimora.

6. Mood Board

I love me a good mood board, I’m so glad this is one of the items ^-^


Finished my Bingo board (with not a moment left to spare!)

:gossmere: :gossmere: :gossmere: :gossmere: :gossmere: :gossmere:


My absolute favorite part of this was I got to mimic your entrance into neithernor. I always loved how instead of the ‘front door’ you’d always show up in the broom closet somehow. That entrance always made me smile.

When you invited me to Ebenrest I did this cheer out loud because I knew I was going to get to stumble through that closet and act all confused. Thank you for that. :slight_smile:


Lexington’s words and thoughts, and even a few pictures:

1. Gear
This one is tough for me because when I think of the ways I “dress up,” it is exactly that: a suit, worn to teach a class or to do lawyer things. But even in that, as I am a Thornmouth, I am also a scholar, so I take with me the symbol of “the ancient and honorable company of scholars” even when I don’t actually wear it.

2. Lists
Years ago I made playlists dedicated to the four Classical elements. The one I made for Air was designed to provoke big and deep thoughts, sometimes the storm-tossed feeling of a disruptive idea, and the open feeling of wonder that can’t be encapsulated in anything so small as an idea. Sadly, I threw away all of the tapes (yes, they were mixtapes) years ago, and have since tried to reconstruct all of them, including this one. It is unapologetically weird and eclectic, and represents layers of time.

  • Making Love Out of Nothing at All (Air Supply)
  • Tutim (EtniX)
  • Silent Running (Mike & the Mechanics)
  • Allegro non molto (Vivaldi, Four Seasons, “Winter” mvt. 1)
  • Kyrie (Mr. Mister)
  • Kyrie (Mozart, Requiem)
  • Solsbury Hill (Peter Gabriel)
  • American Dreaming (Dead Can Dance)
  • Cloudless (Peter Gabriel)
  • Fragile (Sting)
  • It Is Accomplished (Peter Gabriel)
  • Pi (Kate Bush)
  • Shape of My Heart (Sting)
  • Mad About You (Sting)
  • Sky Blue (Peter Gabriel)
  • The Wings (Gustavo Santaolalla)
  • I Am Free So Now I Fly (Philip Sheppard)
  • Illuminated (Hurts)
  • Conquest of Spaces (Woodkid)
  • Wanderer (Geoffroy)
  • The Expanse (Clinton Shorter, theme from The Expanse)
  • What Did You Do (Clinton Shorter)

3. Places
Libraries and classrooms, of course, and observatories of all kinds, seem to be Thornmauvian. (So, I suppose, is making up new words.)

So of course the Livraria Lello in Porto, Portugal:

But also two other places:

The first is a coffee shop. Virtually any coffee shop, but especially those in Italy. It’s hard to think of them as observatories, but they are: so often the chairs face outward, not toward each other. This is one of the places you learn to be human and humane.

The last is a place I don’t have a picture of, but a memory—a Magimystic Memory, so it is my next entry.

4. Magimystic Memories
The New Hampshire Astronomical Society would, especially on full moons, take telescopes out into the town squares. One freezing-cold night in Portsmouth, I watched a little girl seeing the surface of the moon for the first time. The combination of scholarship and wonder crystallized in that moment like the beam from a lighthouse flashing past.

As for that cramming habit Thornmouth sometimes have … I have it too. And also the obsession with words from other languages that express subtleties sometimes lost in English—because all language ultimately falls short of the reality it describes. Reading words like “sonder,” “kumorebi,” and “backpfeifengesicht” and knowing that I needed to know those words.

5. Elementals
I have had so many symbols of Thought around me it isn’t funny. At one point I paid out the Ace of Swords from every Tarot deck I owned in order to cast a spell (and it did work, in the end). These are the two main ones I have now: a prismatic glass pyramid my parents gave me as a gift when I was a kid, and a letter opener/athame I’ve used for years (turquoise on one side, sodalite on the other). The former symbolizes focus, and the latter is a tool for directing the powers of intellect at a problem.

6. Mood Board
One of the things I think can get lost to Thornmouth is a sense of design and arrangement. In a sense, Thornmouth is about arranging ideas into constellations, then arranging letters and words into the right patterns to convey those ideas to others with as little loss as possible. The lights we kindle are not only in words, but also in architecture, design, mathematics, and even fashion. (Credits where known: the food image is a dish from Alinea in Chicago, and the satin robe that I dream of as a Thornmouth is made and worn by Tom Ford.)

One of the ways we Thornmouth is when we arrange things to be beautiful, because that beauty conveys a truth.


So do I - sand, gravel, dirt, etc)! I’ve never actually met someone else who does this.


Last but certainly not least… Elementals!

The element of the Wild does not lend itself to collections. By nature, all things of the Wild tend towards freedom if not outright chaos. Even the plants I grow are, to me, considerably more tame than wild. However, as an Aniveus Balimora, I feel my habit towards drying flowers is perhaps the closest I get to keeping that wild spirit with me a while. I only dry flowers that have fallen or been broken from their plants, and I sandwich them in the pages of a journal, sometimes with a tissue on either side to protect the journal from excess moisture. I’ve used these dried bits as focuses, and I like that they remind me of the ephemeral nature of, well, nature. Even preserved, they don’t have the spark they did when allowed to be plants, and the act of holding them with me for a little longer than they were meant to have makes the fragile, but there is beauty in this fragility.

Nothing lasts forever, and that can be a comforting thought too.


So I was a fool and forgot that time still existed, so I forgot to start posting until now (during the Day of Change Zoom). But fear not, I am going to finish it up now!

1. Guild Gear
So the outfit I chose to make is a lot more casual than @Louisa’s outfit, but I still feel it fits with Weatherwatch. For me, I think a lot of Weatherwatch gear has to be a bit practical and maneuverable, whether you’re working on a ship or exploring on the ground. Because of that, I chose a pretty simple (and perhaps too bright) outfit:

I went with a simple long sleeve thermal to keep warm without needing extra layers. The pants are denim carpenter’s pants so they have plenty of pockets to hold all sorts of knick knacks and tools. Plus, my favorite - they’re cuffed (I am a hard believer in cuffed pants because I am a hobbit at heart)! Then, I have some simple hiking shoes that are good casual tennis shoes, but they’re really nice for hopping around on rocks at inappropriately steep angles. I could probably add some more pieces, but it felt like a very appropriate outfit for Weatherwatch (at least for me)!

2. Lists
We’ve already had some great music picks from Louisa and @Cirydae, but I will go ahead and add 10 songs that I feel are really “Weatherwatch.” These are in no particular order, and I’m not even sure if they are cohesive together, but I think they all link to the Weatherwatch spirit (some more explicitly than others). Whether it’s the energy or excitement of exploration, the ambiance of a guild party, or fear (which definitely still affects WW), I think these songs help to tap into that:

  1. Ship to Wreck, Florence + The Machine
  2. Come Sail Away, Styx
  3. Sur ma Route, Black M
  4. Ave Cesaria, Stromae
  5. Roaring 20s, Panic At The Disco!
  6. I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles), The Proclaimers
  7. Into the Unknown, Idina Menzel
  8. Spaceman, The Killers
  9. Point of No Return, Kansas
  10. Wonderland - Round Three, Griffin McElroy

3. Places
One place I definitely think about going to (or back to) a lot is the UK. Other than stops in airports (see below), I have only been to the UK once. However, it is definitely a place that I want to explore more, from the cities to the countryside. I’ve gotten the chance to go to London, Cardiff, and Bristol (which is where I got engaged), but I really want to keep exploring the country in years to come!

4. Magimystic Memory
For a Weatherwatch, I have spent a lot of my time not traveling. For a long period in my childhood, I wouldn’t leave my house for anything other than school and maybe errands with my mom. That being said, I LOVE traveling whether it’s in planes, buses, cars, or trains (I’m still undecided on boats). My most Weatherwatch memory is from one of my trips. In my last year of high school, I went with a group of other students on an EF Tour to Central Europe. It was really exciting for me because it was the first time I had left the US and was my first vacation in a while. Normally, our trip from Missouri to Germany wouldn’t have been too bad, but we missed our connection in London. That meant we had to wait in the airport until the next flight which wasn’t until 5 PM (we arrived a bit before 9 AM). It was a long trip, but eventually, we made it, ate the Chinese restaurant attached to our hotel (which was some of the best Chinese food I’ve ever had), and went to sleep. All in all, it was 31 hours of traveling and time in airports, and I was awake for all but 30 minutes of it. And that was because of how excited I was to be on this trip. As much as it was a hassle, my trip mates and I ended up making the most of it (and our very limited meal voucher) to make it enjoyable. We played lots of card games (especially Uno) and bonded as a group in a way that I don’t think we would have if we had made that first flight. It was a great experience and a very Weatherwatch one for me!

5. Elementals
I’ll start off with this: I love light. I have always been a fan of opening blinds when I get home, keeping lamps on at night (I’m not a fan of overhead lights), and of course I like candles! I also apparently have an unusual number of flashlights (per my wife), one of which I used while casting a spell during my study abroad. Of the things that give my light, I think this lamp I made a while ago is the best embodiment of the element. It’s not very bright, but I like having it to brighten things up a little from time to time. It’s also an icosahedron (or D20 for RPG players), so that’s fun!

6. Mood Board

Bingo! (Though I might be a tad late)



I’m finally done, and am really happy with myself for finishing, whether I’m late or not.


These are all fantastic!!! We hope you had as much fun making them as we’ve had reading/seeing all of your photos!!

Special Day of Change badges will be awarded as soon as @CJB shows me how!!


Maybe it’s an Ebbie Thing™ :woman_shrugging:t2:

But yes I also haven’t met many others who do this so that’s really cool!!