Fragment Three: Obenhedge

The Summary for Fragment Three will go here.

Fragment three happened alongside Fragment Two. All attempts to contact Deidre through her blog were met with a wall of sorts. Nothing we said or did could get through and we could not make comments. One person, however, was able to break through, a user called the Last Traveler. Every time Deidre would post a new blog entry, the Last Traveller would comment with 2 lines of what seemed to be nonsensical poetry.

Attempts by the recruits to find the source of the poem were unsuccessful. On a hunch some of the recruits attempted to reply to the Last Traveler’s comments, and while our correspondence with Deidre was blocked, it seems the Last Traveller could see our words and reply! Each unique recruit who spoke with the Last Traveler, would get a reply with another section of the poem.

As we reconstructed the poem that would come to be known as The Minnying of Ojorad SOLVED: The Last of the Travelers: The Third Fragment - #190 by CRSumner another important fact came to light, the Traveller was slipping away. With each message he would become more and more incomprehensible and his very name was degrading before our eyes. It was as if the act of reaching out to us was sapping what little strength he had to communicate to us…

After compiling most of the Minnying it was discovered that the rhyme scheme of the first two stanzas unlocked a page within the Book of Briars with a single word ‘obenhedge’. But the path to the key fragment was still blocked. After reaching out to Cole Sumner to see if he had dreamt of this particular plant as he had with the Fraylilly it turned out he had, but he had very spotty recollection of the poem, only that it was important.

The last two lines of the poem came hand delivered to Deidre Green herself in a note inside a copy of the Wolf and the Wild that she had bought. Another book published by Ackerly Green. The note was signed LT. When we combined these last two words with the rest of the Minnying it triggered Cole’s memory and he remembered the other word for Obenhedge that had escaped his memories. ‘vhelicorus’ which turned out to be the third fragment!

Meanwhile… Deirdre tried to decide whether she should stay in New York or sell the Brownstone and move back to the UK. The thought of becoming a “sudden moneyed heiress” was somewhat appealing to her. However, on one of her days out in the city, she had another run in with the New York/UK stalker. Only this time, the man actually made contact, attacking her. She fell, but when she turned around to defend herself, he wasn’t there anymore. And her dad’s pocketwatch, which she had been carrying with her, was missing.


First page isn’t a wiki so i can’t edit, but that should be fine.

Fragment three actually ran concurrently with Fragment Two. All attempts to contact Deidre through her blog has been met with a wall of sorts. Nothing we said or did could get through and we could not make comments. One person, however, was able to add comments, a user call the Last Traveller. Every time Deidre would post a new blog entry, the Last Traveller would respond, each time with 2 lines of what seemed to be poetry.

Attempts by the recruits to find the source of the poem were unsucessful as it didn’t seem to be anything in our vast library of records. On a hunch some of the recruits attempted to reply to the Last Traveller’s comments, and while our corresponsonce with Deidre was blocked, it seems the Last Traveller could see our words and reply! To each unique recruit who spoke with the Last Traveller, he would reply with another section of the poem.

As we reconstructed the poem that would come to be known as The Minnying of Ojorad SOLVED: The Last of the Travelers: The Third Fragment - #190 by CRSumner another important fact came to light, the Traveller was slipping away. With each message he would become more and more incomprehensible and his very name was degrading before our eyes. It was as if the act of reaching out to us was sapping what little strength he had to communicate to us…

After compiling most of the Minnying it was discovered that the rhyme scheme of the first two stanzas unlocked a page within the Book of Briars with a single word ‘obenhedge’. After reaching out to Cole Sumner to see if he had dreamt of this particular plan as he had with the Fraylilly it turned out he had, but he had very spotty recollection of the poem, only that it was important.

The last two lines of the poem came hand delivered to Deidre Green herself in a note inside a copy of the Wolf and the Wild that she had bought. The note was signed LT. When we combined these last two words with the rest of the Minnying it triggered Cole’s memory and he remembered the other word for Obenhedge that had escaped his memories. ‘vhelicorus’ which turned out to be the third fragment!


Fantastic work, @Robert! I’m going to start recording these this weekend.


Made the first post a wiki, added Robert’s recap and added my “Meanwhile… Deirdre” section.