Fourth Fragment: The Secret Mission Part Two

buried the fragment, follow his path, find the glass report and mind the times… I feel like those might be pretty important

assuming I heard everything correctly


Did he sound familiar? Like the guy from your dream?


Recording the stream now. Will be up on youtube within the hour (i hope) for those who missed it.


Get out of there as soon as possible! The Devoted could be watching!


Man this is so creepy. But at least we know Brandon is alive and (hopefully) well…

There’s one thing I’m kind of concerned about, though - there wasn’t a disk. Does that mean the third trial isn’t over? Or maybe the Devoted took it already?


I knew this wouldn’t be the end. But what do we do now, we have no further leads, and the Devoted have left us. No more help from @Reader, she might honestly be dead by now. What is next for us?


I got most of it. Will write it out from voice memo on way home and post when I’m there. Brandon!


Start with any new information we get (i.e. the phone call) and see if we can pull any information out of it. That’s the best place to start. I know we can do this. It seems a little daunting now but we have been able to solve some pretty incredible things to date, so I am looking forward to this challenge


I don’t think Reader is dead. And I think Brandon is all the help we need. That message was tailor made for us after all.


Great minds think alike? haha


Just got off the train:

(Couldn’t hear this part) this was (you found?) the last disc. You don’t know me but my name is Brandon. I’m sending this message now which for you will be then, before all this started. I know that’s strange. Look if can hear this it means I got through. It means you found the frailty, you learned the truth about those who didn’t die, you even repaired the minnying. I was like you once. I was told all the same lies. But I found a way out. I found what was hidden in the spaces between. And that’s where I am now. I can’t force you to trust me, but you can trust the book. It’s the only way (Couldnt hear) the only way to fix everything. I’ve buried the fragment at the end of the trail I left thirty years ago. Mind the times. They’ll show you the final path you have to walk. The path that leads to the day I got free. Follow me there. Find the glass report.


So I guess the last disc wasn’t a real disc at all, just a message.


Maybe it was my quarter. :slight_smile:


Amazing job @CRSumner. We hopefully have a leg up on the Devoted and can find the end of the path before them.

Anyone have any ideas on how to find the glass report?


Perhaps returning to the original files? Which if anyone needs them, I’ve been very careful to archive everything given to us by the devoted and am willing to upload a zip file.


Definitely could be the thing to do. I searched on here for “glass report” and we did reference it in the Fourth Fragment post where, when one of the MP3’s were reversed, Brandon said “find the glass report” but we never really discussed it again (from what I can see).

EDIT: What if we need to work with the Devoted for this? All the information we have received is from them. Who knows what else they have that could apply to this glass report. Also, if they know we already have the disc, why don’t we just post about it in the forum?


Yeah, we should. Do we want to talk about the whole “lying to them” stuff or not? We can keep discussion about the third trial in here, but I don’t see a point in acting anymore. They know we have it.
And we very well may need to, but they cut ties with us. There isn’t anyway to contact them as far as we are aware. I’m assuming they completely disabled their email account. I would like to talk this out with them, but we can’t, because we have no way to talk at all. I’ve looked at the old file pages, looking for a new email, clicked on the links, went back to the “First contact” page. Nothing, nothing at all. I’m really stumped at this point.
Maybe we should all look out for an email coming our way, maybe they have something more to say to us, or somebody does.