FOUND : Fragment Fifteen: Reunions and Revivals - Gnascorius

The idea of being right about this makes me a little sick. The whole thing disturbs me on a heretofore untouched level.

Still. We will do what we have to. As always.


Same, @Robert. @Revenir, this could be huge…


So if we we’re to capture it, then tell the part of Nate that still lives a story to get it to retrieve us the BoB, what then?


The big question… Kindly ask it to stop with all the storming?


What I would want to do is ask it to disband, tear itself apart and fade away. Sounds more brutal when I write it down.


tell it a story of coming apart, returning to the pieces it once was and going on into the next time.


Maybe not tearing apart, because that does sound harsh… I don’t know what happens to souls after the bodies are gone, especially not magiqally controlled ones. But I do think, once the Book is finally unlocked and in the modern day, that we should free all the souls trapped in the Storm. Command the Storm to free those trapped within, and allow them to find peace, wherever that may be. It’s less about destruction of the Storm than simply liberating the souls who are being held hostage, if that makes sense?

While we consider this… I do wonder if there’s some way to avoid another Storm in the future. I think we need to worry about the Silver as well, find a way to stop them and also prevent future Silver-like organizations from creating such horrible entities. I don’t know how we’ll do that. Maybe by creating a story so strong that will free magiq from the Silver’s clutches forever. But…it’s something to start thinking about.


I think tearing apart is a pretty good term. I want to tear the souls out and destroy the Storm entirely, leaving nothing left. @grimangel53 has a good idea though. Could we get the Storm to put back the souls it has torn out through out time?


Heh, glad to help you all with my tin foil. :tinfoilhat: I’ll admit, I’m terrified that this is the path we’ll travel. It’s exciting that we’ll finally save the Book, but… I don’t want to know what we’ll have to give up to do so. Would it be a person, or perhaps an artifact? And if it’s a person, how could we possibly ask that of someone? It’d be a difficult situation, to be sure.


Let’s add a bit more tinfoil…

When I saw the idea of bringing the Book to now in exchange for someone, my brain immediately remembered this thread: "@Steve ! We have to go back.... Back to the past!"

Note: in no way should this be interpreted as me suggesting anyone in particular to be Weeping-Angeled back in time in exchange for the Book, all tinfoil and being tired.

(And yes, I made Weeping Angel a verb.)


Here’s today’s Ascender topic question.

Do we tell him we have the second half of the spell? Or do we just ask for his spell pretending it’s the whole deal?

On one hand I’m all for giving Ascender the tools to survive and thrive.

But on the other if he could actually control or destroy the storm, our plans are kinda screwed. Not to mention we’d basically be encouraging Ascender to confront the storm head on alone. Given historically Ascender probably didn’t destroy the storm in 1998, he’d probably not succeed anyway.

I’m really torn.


Like others have theorised if we get a hold of the second part of the spell then we might be able to bring the BoB to our time. However our instructions were to help the 94 Mounties open the book not for us to steal it. Im torn on wether we should give him the second half or not as I see benifits to both.


I think we could do a trade. Have Ascender tell us his half, we tell ours or vice-versa. My only fear is that their won’t be any 94 Mountiees to help soon.


I don’t know what the right answer is. This is probably one of the most difficult conundrums we’ve faced, even with the time magiq being performed. What’s Sullivan’s plan for this? Are there any hints we can glean from his journal on how we should proceed?


Excellent timing. I was just rereading Sullivan’s notes on this.

I may be wrong, but I believe the book is a kind of seed spell. I think the book is the vessel for the whisper of a story. A most powerful kind of magiq. A story that wishes to be told. Old, or perhaps new, I don’t know… But within it, the truth. I believe it’s been planted in The Book like a seed in a garden. And every time The Book has come to us, we have nurtured it, with perseverance, goodwill, and with magiq. The stronger the book, the better chance we have of telling the story within and changing everything.

Yes, the book is destroyed.

But I have a plan.

A plan that took years of design. And to set the plan in motion, I convinced the 18 Gates to focus their power to protect you instead of the book when The Storm arrived, and let the book burn. It was a difficult choice but they knew we had to try something desperate to have a chance.

Much of the “how” won’t make sense at this moment, but I hope by now you’ve looked to my letter to Deirdre and found something the 18 Gates left with our storyteller friend.

The Storm’s Master has collected immense power but holds it out of hand, out of sight from us. Soon there will be nothing left here. But for now, we have an advantage. One they aren’t yet aware of.

We have you Now, and an unburned book Then.

Your book is gone, but with our guidance you are going to help your predecessors open theirs. What will happen then, I don’t know. But we have all that we have ever needed. The book and the Mountaineers.

Together, with the help of my daughter, you will change everything.

Edit: All I see that pertains to this is ‘you are going to help your predecessors open theirs.’

Technically by helping them complete 2 Fragments/complications, we’ve already done that.


Well, here’s another thing. “…But with our guidance you are going to help your predecessors open theirs.” Which group are we talking about? We always thought they might of meant the 94 Mountiees, but they could also mean the Lodge Ascender starts or Lodge’s before them.


Well he (or someone) is now online. We may have to make a decision about whether or not to give him the second half.

Edit: I’m leaning towards giving it to him. Who knows. Maybe we’ll need him as a backup in the end.


Id say we give him half2, i agree.


Oh shot… He is close to the truth!!! He heard some of out thoughts! puts tin foil hat on


Well great. Ascender read my mind. I did not see that coming.

I’ve been trying to figure out what to do. What to ask.

I lured the storm out yesterday, like before, by signing into the forum and then hiding. I cast The Lantern and I could hear the voice that controls it… I had a pen with me because I felt the need to write out the words last time and the spell mentions that might happen. My hand scrawled out what the voice was telling the storm. I was lost in it… listening, trying to find something that would give me a lead. There were other sounds there I couldn’t make out, like always…

But then I heard other voices.
And my hand started writing those words too. It was chaos. Painful. A dozen voices, maybe more. They were all talking at once and then, like a door shut, they were gone.
I hid from the storm until it passed. And then I looked at the paper.

There were commands for the storm:
Seek them out.
take their minds until
none remain who know.

But I also wrote…
help us open the book
now in our time.
If we give it to Ascender and he frees the storm
we have a problem
need his help
we’d change history
The storm
seen in our time
to help us
The Council is rationing power
might jeopardize the plan

I didn’t understand where it was coming from until I checked my laptop. You sent the message to me while I was logged in. After I’d cast the spell. I think your thoughts were channeled here somehow. For less than a minute I could hear you.
Who are you? Really?
What are you trying to do?
How much of what you wrote me is a lie and how much is the truth?
I need you to tell me everything.