Experience with Phobias


Well I’m not afraid OF toes, more like something happening to them.

I would always climb up on the sofa when my mum was hoovering because I was convinced she’d hoover up my toes and they’d break off and then I’d have no toes.

I still can’t ride a bike because I was convinced the chain would cut through my shoes and mangle my toes.

Whenever someone talks about a foot- or toe-related injury i get the weirdest shivers and it makes me go YUCKYUCKYUCK which is super weird because I otherwise have a VERY strong stomach! Go on, tell me your best gross stories, they don’t phase me.

I still sit on the sofa and tuck my feet under me if someone else is doing the hoovering though, and I always wear shoes if I have to do the hoovering, just in case.


This is kinda related to this thread but this guy on Instagram does comics about deep dark fears and they’re absolutely brilliant


I mean, it works for Batman :bat:


Eyewoman, she sees all :laughing:

Also more eyes to read with!


You know what’s truly terrifying? People who have no compunction about driving less than two feet behind you, on a just-repaved highway, going over 70mph, in the pouring rain - with nearly bald tires.

I was driving home today, when the rain went from sprinkles, to wipers on third speed and I still can only see two car lengths in front of me. I was on the turnpike doing a little over 50mph - as were the rest of the cars around me - when I noticed this car was less than two feet from my rear bumper. I got concerned, then worried, then downright terrified, when they wouldn’t let up even though I took my life in my hands by tapping on the brakes multiple times. In fact, they sped up! I was going over 70mph - again, in the pounding rain and don’t forget the state of my tires - before there was enough of a gap between cars in the next lane that the one behind me swerved over to get past me, blaring their horn as they sped past, like I was the one doing something wrong.

I may have nightmares about this tonight.


@Alissiya Toe related injuries aren’t actually too common nor are they typically permanent. I’ll spare you the details but one person we picked up… Uh… hmmm… “lost” their toe but the surgeon was able to reattach it so that was neat.

Not to be a debby downer on this phobia train but I don’t really have a phobia. I guess the closest thing would be letting other people down. I guess I’m also afraid of being seen as weak but that’s not to the point of being considered a phobia…


I’m not sure about phobias…I do know I don’t like being alone at night.
Not that I’m afraid of the dark, I find it comforting, more of what’s in the dark.
I suppose my phobia is whatever my anxious brain cooks up for me when I’m half awake at 2am :sweat_smile:
It’s not a phobia, but I can’t deal with certain textures, like rhubarb and pineapple. Just the thought makes me shudder :tired_face:


I have some issues with textures too, but again for me, it’s an autism thing. I can’t stand to touch cardboard, eat pasta sauce, or eat or use anything with rolled oats in it because it’s just Bad sensory.


oh god, dont even get me started on texture. Bloody hell. Uh, lets see… anything similar to the prongs of velcro, anything too slimy, anything that scrapes against my skin in any way, the feelng of hair on my skin, files of any kind, all stuff i hate. Bristles too. Oh, how my skin crawls. AH and SOAP. DRY SOAP. UGH.


Aquariums. Not household ones, the great big ones that are windows into huge tanks and the tunnels you walk through are dark. Sometimes I can’t even handle empty dolphin tanks. It kind of extends to things that seem like aquariums, too. Like the ocean room at the National History Museum. The whale is fine, but there’s a totally dark display towards the back corner that has giant squid/kraken tentacles creeping out of it and that is so full of nope.

I can never go scuba diving or snorkeling. I will totally panic.


Feet will always gross me out, seeing someone wiggle their toes in a commercial or something like that actually makes me cringe and feel sick thinking about it. I’ve always had it and I think I always will, though I have braved up a little and can give my partner a foot massage once a while… though I still have days where I cannot even think of it!
Teeth also freak me out, but more injury related to those because of bad dentist visits that somewhat traumatized me.
Fear of moving vehicles/being in a car accident, having to drive myself, I guess those are common though?

Probably the weird fears that can actually count as phobias are the fear of very broken up pieces of land on maps and slow, rhythmic noises such as clapping.



This is one of the examples of the ‘broken up chunks of land’ thing. I don’t know why it brings on such intense feelings of anxiety and discomfort for me honestly. The sharper and more ‘pattern’ there is to it, the worse it gets for me. (Maps that show the north of Finland, Sweden and Norway are the worst for me. I cannot look at them-- the image here is from the south part of Sweden.)

As for rhythmic though slow noises, I think it stems from a nightmare I had in childhood? Where I would wake up, in my bed, unable to move or speak, seeing someone hang in the corner of my room, pressed against the ceiling and the wall. I’d hear a slow, rhythmic clapping that got louder (As if another set of hands were added with each clap) and louder, and with each clap the shape would get closer and closer.
I woke up screaming and terrified and never managed to forget the sight or the noise. To this day I still get uncomfortable with clapping that’s very much in sync, or slow-ish tapping noises. (If anyone ever watched dr.Who here-- the episodes with ‘the four knocks’ and the master who would constantly make clapping or tapping noises in sets of four made me want to crawl out of my skin. )


I have a phobia of deep water too! Mostly I’m ok with aquariums although I’ve definitely had moments in the past where I had to run through the big tunnel ones because it got Too real for me! But watching underwater documentaries or playing underwater levels in video games can really freak me out. Which is awkward since I love fish and marine biology so I constantly subject myself to it! I used to scuba dive and it actually didn’t get to me at all, although where I dove was very low visibility, and that seemed to help which I absolutely never thought would be the case!


Yeah. I won’t go swimming in deep waters because I’m terrified. No idea why. Doesn’t help any that my inner ears hurt tremendously when submerged in water. Even taking the train from Hamilton, NJ to Penn Station NYC - pretty sure you NYCers will know which I mean - a portion of the track goes through a tunnel that dips below water level, and the one time I rode that route, my inner ears felt like they exploded right as the train went below sea level. I wasn’t actually in water, but all the same, it was a rapid change in pressure.


Wasps, and by extension any yellow and black flying insect, even the harmless humble bumble bee.
The sight or sound of one instantly has me on extra high alert. A klaxon fires in my brain, screaming “Danger, danger! Get away!” Escape routes are formed and the offending insect is watched like a hawk lest it get too close. And when it does I’m off. All that is left is a Graevan shaped hole in the wall.

It’s takes every effort to not run at first sight, but it’s so built in, so primal and instinctive that I doubt I’ll ever be rid of it.

Even houseflies have set me off because all I could hear was their buzzing…


Spiders. I hate spiders. I’m like Ron Weasley…even the small ones make me shiver.




Oh, dear god. I don’t know who I pity more, the mailman or the author of that letter


hahaha. oh man- but this is also something i would totally do. there was a point where i had completely declined going into a shop because there was a massive stink bug on the side of the doorway, and the girl that ran the shop poked her head out and shooed it away with a piece of paper down the stairs for me. i was forever indebted to this shop girl.

(i ended up buying a glass jar of ginger candy, apparently enchanted for luck, purely because i could not leave without getting something after she had helped me rid of the gigantic anxiety-inducing bug)


Spiders…gross nope and forget that all spring to mind. Nothing ¡NOTHING! Should ever have that many eyes. Legs I can deal with. Centipedes and millipedes I can handle but you throw in a few extra eyes and I full on nope the heck out big time.
@what.the.kell ^^^ me too man, me too


I’m sorry…
I’m dying.
I’m so dying.
The writer actually drew a stick spider . . . .