Book to Movie Adaptations!

So I’ve just watched divergence and it’s absolutely awful compared to the books :laughing: The film industry seems to have had a really hard time converting trilogies like Hunger games, divergent and 5th wave into good films series


I really enjoyed Good Omens as well! I think they did a really good job adapting it. I know there was some upset over the casting and some roles, but I rather enjoyed the whole thing.
Also, I’m the biggest Pratchett fan, so I’m just biased to like his stuff. Even the old Hogfather film is good in my eyes, and I can’t wait for the Watch TV show.


Oh, the Watch books are my favourites! I read them a lot as a kid. For some reason they were the only ones I read at the time even though I generally dislike anything to do with police. Terry Pratchett had an amazing way with words, I hope they can make something powerful from what he’s gifted the world! :blossom:

The old Dresden TV show is a fav of my mum, she loves it. I just was too young and too easily scared to enjoy it when I tried watching it… Especially since the first episode I saw was the skin-stealer one. Scary…


@Cirydae I thought I was the only person other than my husband whose excited about the Watch series :heart_eyes_cat:
I can’t believe how much I miss Discworld. :pensive:

On the subject of books to film, I was most disappointed by the lack of subtlety that can often happen with the adaptation, like the last few Potter movies. I appreciate that you can’t adapt everything, but I do like a political subplot.


So Disney.


Yeah I agree, a lot of people fail to mention how much of the Brothers Grimm’s original vision was changed when Disney came to muck about. I mean sure they got the point across but still.



We definitely need a return to the original books instead of live action cash grabs


Live action Grimm remakes


(Just found this and thought it was very apt)

@Shadow I’d prefer animation over live action personally


Normally I would agree @Rimor but the idea of some madman trying to find a cast to remake the grimm fary tales amuses me.


I’ve always enjoyed the film version of About a Boy despite it veering off from the book and being set a decade later (which changes the whole plot). Adore the book too, it’s an all time favourite but I enjoy the film as well.

As an adult I’m not really a fan of Harry Potter at all any more, but I always despised the films. Even now when I have no real emotional connection to the books any more, if I have to sit through the films I’m bored to tears so they fail on pure entertainment front in my eyes too. My dad loves them though, they’re about the only films he watches :joy:


The film adaptation of Inkheart was… not my favourite, shall we say? I think my favourite adaptation is Hogfather, although I’m looking forward to the Watch a lot.


Ye they could have done inkheart a lot better but the books do get pretty dark towards the last one.

I absolutely love the first book and the world it creates. It’s so detailed and beautiful


I LOVE the first book. I like the other two, but the first one is the best. The whole concept of literally breathing life into books… SO GOOOD


i’m going to join just about the rest of the world and say that i loved good omens and found it a wonderful tribute both to the book and pratchett.

also! leigh bardugo, author of six of crows and the grisha trilogy recieved a netflix deal some months ago and i can’t wait to see what they do with her work.


I just got Amazon Prime so I guess I’ll have to watch Good Omens now that I’m able.


I liked Good Omens the show better than the book, which is an exceedingly rare occurrence. The heavy focus on wit in the book just made it feel like television was a better medium, and since they pretty much captured everything there in the show, I didn’t even have the “look at all the stuff they left out” issue that normally plagues adaptations.

On the whole I’ve gotten to prefer shows as a method of adapting books to movies. Unless the book is exceedingly unnecessarily verbose, or the plot is incredibly straightforward, a book of any length is all but impossible to capture in a couple of hours.


So I just spent the entire day binging Shadow & Bone.

I really don’t know how I feel about it.

I mean… 1. I am that much more in love with Jesper. Kit Young just took the character and… made him So Much More.
2. Freddy Carter was Not what I pictured for Kaz. At all. But he’s kind of grown on me.

But… even though I’d read that there was some blending of Crows into S&B, I wasn’t prepared for it to be to the extent that it is.
I think my favorite scene, though, was when they were in the Fold, and the stag’s spirit shows up for Alina, and she has that Ah Ha moment without words. I mean just the look between Alina and Stag, the so-Very-clear Communication happening between them, it’s so poignant and so loudly and quietly illustrative… sighhh I’m just in love with how that scene was handled, independently of the other scenes that were altered that I felt didn’t need to be.

But, season 2 is confirmed. So I guess we’ll see how much more the story gets fleshed out, and where it goes from here.

In conclusion: The goat.
That is all.


I will die on this here hill:

There is no worse book-to-movie adaptation than Susan Cooper’s The Dark is Rising.

How you can turn an English crypto-Pagan coming-of-age story into an American-centered morality play about the evils of abortion is … I just can’t.


Oh, I so have to agree on this. There are only two good parts about that movie - Christopher Eccleston as the Rider, and Ian McShane as Merriman. This was my favourite book series as a kid and I even memorised the rhymes at one point, and then I was soooooo dissappointed by that film. Gosh I wished they’d do a proper adaptation though; I’d love to see the Afanc.