Yes AND no! Y’all have given me higher blood pressure, but I’m having so much fun & can’t wait for more.
Wait. Is the BriarVerse drugs?!
Yes AND no! Y’all have given me higher blood pressure, but I’m having so much fun & can’t wait for more.
Wait. Is the BriarVerse drugs?!
Happy Cake Day @Skylad!!
At least … it’s your cake day in my current time so I hope future you celebrates!
You bring a fun, supportive, and encouraging presence around here. I’m really glad you’re part of all these shenanigans, and hope you’ll be around for many more!
Oooo and Happy Cake Day to @Augustus_Octavian as well!
And thank you both for all that you do!
Oooooh Cake day!!! that means its my twins @Augustus_Octavian cake day too!!!
Happy 4 years Augo!!!
Two in one day I see! Happy Cake day both!!
Cake Days All Around!
Thank yoooou
Can y’all tell I finally joined the forums after the university semester was over …
Happy Cake Day, @Connielass, @Tungstenedge, and @KhaosRose!
May 13th was a heck of a day for new faces a couple years ago (seriously, there are even more cake day twins than these lovely folks I’ve seen knocking around recently)!
Oh dang! I didn’t even notice it was the 13th!
So much cake!
For some reason I keep thinking I joined in April… But YAY CAKE
It’s entirely possible that you did, and just didn’t post right away. I think mine is off by a day because of how late in the night I finally got around to posting.
and a happy cake day to you too!
Ay! I just found this, lol. My birthday is way passed, but hey, better later than never, and for the people who like to get ahead of their notifications, like I do, nine’s December 30th. (I’m one of those people who like to message or call people and tell them happy birthday before any of my notifications tell me or anyone else mentions it, lol.)
Three weeks and we can celebrate your anti-birthday. Is that close enough?
Aaaaaa VERY Happy Unbirthday to You!