Basecamp 34 Update - 1/16/20

Jonah, that seems to be what Mounties do - help where and when we are needed, especially for one we consider our own. Complications just make things more interesting :smiley:


We do also need to be more careful since that lack of free magiq may have broken the veil that was helping to shield us.


At least we’re reasonably sure the Silver’s “witch” was destroyed in creating the veil. It’s possible they still posses similar or even more frightening things though.


Okay, I’m gonna walk things back a little bit here before we go full conspiracy theory on the new guy. :tinfoilhat: :slight_smile:

Hi, Jonah. Sorry for the whole “chatting in a separate thread about you” thing; we weren’t trying to talk about you behind your back. We’re just going through a lot right now, as you mentioned. And because it seems likely that Sacha is the patient you identified, some people here are rightfully concerned about the people she was working with at one point, who have been a real threat to our safety in the past, being somehow involved with our finding her. But truly, thank you for keeping us informed. And would you be willing to tell us anything more about yourself? Not anything too personal, obviously, but maybe getting to know each other a little better will help us all feel a little more at ease.

Honestly, guys, this isn’t setting off my Silver-senses, for whatever that’s worth. Sacha was always just a means to an end for them. She has nothing of value to them, and before the Wellspring on Saturday, they would have been heading into the new Age thinking that they had achieved exactly what they wanted, right? Sacha, if it really is her, has only started to regain lucidity since the Wellspring, which they weren’t anticipating. Why would they keep track of her if they never expected her to “wake up,” so to speak? And why would they use her to infiltrate us now? If the Veil really has fallen (and we really have no idea if it has), why would they purposefully bring back someone we’ve distrusted in the past instead of just making a totally random account with no history that could sneak in unnoticed? It doesn’t make sense.


I mean, the veil was keeping out people that could potentially have bad intensions, right (though I still don’t understand Martin being outside)? Putting her in a position that someone with good intentions would have to reach out to us to help her, and using that good will to gain access to us, is totally a Silver move. Not saying that’s what’s going on, but just pointing it out.


To be fair we Jonah is a random account with no history. While I agree with you that this doesn’t feel like the Silver is involved, it’s also not beyond them to play up our trust of someone new in order to infiltrate us. It’s also possible for someone to be manipulated by the Silver without knowing. I trust Jonah, but we don’t want to completely drop our guard.


Also, the last time we saw Sacha, it was that same thing, using someone who had only good intentions to do something bad. I don’t think you’re a risk, @jdobner95, but we’ve had people tricked into exposing us to danger. And we lost one of our own to that, too, so tensions are high.

However, I think with a new Age, we need to be more open, including taking some risks. What was the point of launching the new Book with all that love and charity and trust if we’re just going to turtle up and refuse to help someone because they might be influenced by The Silver?

Jonah, I am glad you’re here. I will gladly help you understand this, if you want to PM me. Keep reading and looking at the boards, but I know sometimes it helps to have a single line followed with one person, as opposed to getting ten answers per question.


That’s a good point, we started this Book based on seeds of kindness, we need to keep the kindness going.


Agreed. We need to nourish our kindly prism-tree. :deciduous_tree:

The main question I keep falling back to right now is, do we know if the Veil is still up? Clearly what we did caused something to happen and if it was enough to jolt Sacha at least partially awake (someone presumably outside the Veil) I would think anyone connected to magiq felt the ripple effect. Should we try sending Marty another pizza?


Yeah, we gave away - or figured out ways to give away, some of our most precious things and memories to someone we didn’t know. They might not be great people, but we did it anyway. I’d want to say we can handle it, though I know there’s been trouble in the past, and I have no idea.
But given there’s magiq involved, I’d almost be afraid to counteract it in any way. It’s going already. We should probably see what we see in that light. Disturbing the flow we’ve made right now might be worse than going with it. I think being careful can be done while being trusting. Distrust, after all, isn’t necessarily being careful.


All this talk about the veil and if it’s still up has me thinking (a dangerous business). How have we been able to test the veil’s presence before? Is trying to contact Marty actually a good test?

Also, WHERE IS EAVES?!?!?!?


Eaves said they have almost a day walk from their basecamp to the Inn they have internet in. It’s going to take time for him to go back home, walk the dog, and catch up with everyone. Plus remember he’s the only source of info to the outside world, so I’m sure he gets hounded once he gets back home.


Marty didn’t respond to an earlier attempt. Either he can’t get in or he’s on an errand for Cags. Or he is somewhere without internet, I suppose. It wouldn’t hurt to try again, but my money is on the veil still being active.