Basecamp 34 Update - 1/16/20

Leading the conversation in that other thread with “yes magiq is absolutely real and we need to you believe what we say” seems a little hasty, y’all.

Careful not to overwhelm the man and chase him off. He’s already going above and beyond checking our site for more info at all…let’s be careful in what we choose to tell him or ask him to do next. He clearly wants to help his patient, but that doesn’t mean he’ll put all disbelief aside the second we call “magiq!” in chorus. It’s a big leap.


You’re probably right. I guess at this point, since Saberlane is gone and emotions are high, we’ve been quick to grab onto anything that seems magiq related in hopes we can do something. If not for Saberlane, then for someone else. I know I should slow down, but I just really want to do something you know?


I understand - of course you want to do something! The sooner we find answers to more magiqal mysteries, the sooner we might find a way to get Sabes back, right? I certainly hope so. :heart:

We just have to be careful not to jump so suddenly at this new lead that he spooks, writes us off, and doesn’t come back.


we oughta hold off now and wait till they return. God knows when that’ll be, but its best we dont flood them.


Agreed. Right now, it’s clear we’re eager to help and exchange information. Whether he buys anything about magiq or thinks we’re overenthusiastic role players, I imagine we look like a promising lead to him, too.




Am I missing something? How is this person posting in the age of magiq section? Isn’t he too new to be able to post there?

EDIT: I could quite possibly be miss remembering the access process though.


Thanks for all of your kind words, everyone. Sabes always trusted you all to do what’s right, so I will too. Logging off for the day, but I’ll be back in the office tomorrow :heart:


You’re correct that under normal processes this person wouldn’t be able to post in the Age of Magiq category. Non-reader profiles run by AGP are often created with “member” status to bypass this for plot purposes. Sorry to jump in and spoiler tag, just wanted to preserve immersion in the active pages.


No, that’s a good point. You’re probably right; this person doesn’t know what’s going on, they’re just trying to help someone. Sorry, I wasn’t trying to scare them off. I’m upset, and really freaking angry about Sabes disappearing and super not in the mood to play “esoteric LARPer” for someone to coax out their secrets. I just wanna help, but I should probably back off for a bit, until I can come off as a little less manic.


The fact that the Guide let(?) this provider(?) in, in the first place has got to mean something. I think that who ever they are, that they’re gonna be willing to help. They wouldn’t have posted in the first place- especially regarding a pt if they weren’t at minimum intrigued by the circumstances.

I do wonder though, why they’re so intrigued by our mystery pt. What makes them special to our contact/lead aside from the outburst? I hate to answer hope with caution, but I can’t help but exercise it when we’ve lost someone.


Okay, hold on, let me ask a few things - Don’t tell me to search it - I could do that, but I’d get disjointed asides - I think we’ve forgotten, in this era of ‘just google it’ that a lot of things are better communicated by ‘telling’. Most things, yes, I understand how they can just be googled of course and all that. For this:

What is PT?
What is or who is Woolie? I know a guy named woolie. There’s only two woolies in the whole city. I can’t get that out of my head when I read it.
The Guide?

Who’s Sacha? A 90s mountaineer? Something else?

Also he can read this thread… I like caution, I’m highly cautious, but we don’t have to sound like he can’t hear us… I think we can admit we’re just as unsure about him as he could be of us. It’s fine. I think that’s reasonable if anyone’s being serious, either of us. That probably makes us seem less crazy? So long as we take the not suspicious of outsiders, but concerned for everyone’s safety tone.

(edit: Okay - you can tell me what book refers, but I also want to know what you guys think. The books only go so far, and the forums are minute to minute and sound a lot like this one!)

(edit edit: Also, I don’t mean to be aggressive. I just gotta put my thoughts out! Now’s not the time for philosophy and soft tones! I mean, it probably is, but nobody’s feeling that way, right??)


Also, here’s today’s card. Lately they haven’t made sense for me, but they seem to be lining up with here pretty well…

(wow, I have a lot of messages… I should go take care of those…)


Still gonna recommend the books because the detail is better, but to quickly answer your questions:

“Woolie” was our name for the ghost of a member of Monarch’s Mountain, and who got trapped in Saberlane’s head. I think this was, like, a year and some ago? He ended up being reunited with his ghost family eventually, but yeah.

Sacha was…kind of our nemesis for awhile? We met her in the early stages of unlocking the Book, but it turns out her whole group was actually being manipulated by the Silver, who really wanted to hurt us, and they mind controlled her to trap some of our friends.

And correct me if I’m wrong, but I think Eden is just abbreviating “patient”?


I promise to finish with the books. (it’s clearly super important, of course. I got here due to the magiq, mostly. I gotta catch up with the whole Thing in the mean time!)


Has anyone tried knocking since the knew Book began? Has anything changed regarding access to Neithernor perhaps?


I tried knocking earlier but no dice…whatever we did, it doesn’t seem to have opened the doors :sob:


Always worth a shot I suppose.


I’ve tried some pages in the Book of Briars, but it doesn’t seem to want to let me skip ahead. (Example:


You can always look in the magiq wiki too. I use it all the time to remember dates ir names.