Announcement: AG+ & AG Papergoods

Originally published at: Announcement: AG+ & AG Papergoods - Ackerly Green

In the early days of Ackerly Green, our Patreon support was a crucial key in maintaining all the things required to run the interactive elements of the company. The sites, subscriptions, apps, and the forum are all expensive to maintain, and many of you graciously supported me when I only had The Monarch Papers to give in return. But since The Monarch Papers ended, and we began selling books and merchandise, it didn’t seem fair or right to also ask for a monthly tip just to keep doing what I’m doing. What I love doing. Also, it was really hard to maintain all the monthly bonuses I wanted to offer Patreon patrons, resulting in me either being run ragged or not being able to fulfill the monthly rewards. Or both.

So I ended Ackerly Green’s Patreon. But to this day, readers email asking how they can support me and what I’m doing. They feel they get a lot out of the community that formed around The Monarch Papers (which makes me happier than you can imagine) and want to help keep the story and the home they love alive.

So that, along with my love of this community and love of creating things, led us to come up with something called AG+

AG+ is a way to enrich and deepen your connection to the community, the narrative, and also get a bunch of cool stuff all year long, while helping support AGP. AG+ is a monthly (or discounted annual) subscription that gets you a ton of perks AND gets you exclusive access to AG Papergoods which is a monthly themed shipment of hand-crafted paper items delivered to your door! Think bookmarks, stickers, postcards, buttons, stationery, and surprise ephemera from the Magiqverse! But that’s not all!

With AG+ you’ll receive:

  • AG Papergoods monthly delivery service
  • Access to a library of all past and future Ackerly Green e-books
  • Entry to a monthly, AG+ exclusive hangout and game night where the community and AG staff will play virtual board, card, roleplaying, and party games together
  • You will become part of future interactive book cover reveals
  • Annual subscribers will receive an exclusive hand-crafted gift at the end of the year.

So the big questions… how much, and when?

April! And we’ve thought long and hard about how much AG+ should cost, and what we’d need to make to make it worth both your while to pay for, and ours to craft every month. So for the first year, AG+ will be $8 a month if you pay monthly, and if you buy an annual subscription, you’ll receive two free months as well as an annual, hand-crafted gift. We’ll also favor early adopters should the price change in the future.

How it works:

Every month you’ll receive a link to a private product in the Ackerly Green shop which will detail everything you’ll receive in the AG Papergoods shipment that month. All you’ll need to do is check out with the free product, include your current address, and pay for any additional expedited or International shipping (we’re also working on keeping down the cost for our non-US friends, stay tuned…)

You’ll also gain access to exclusive channels on the Discord server so that you can participate in the monthly Hangout and Game Night.

We’re also considering having a “Papergoods Swap” topic/category on the forum. It’s still in the works, but we’re thinking about randomizing some of the goods you’ll receive, and so you may get one or two things no one else receives, and others will too! You can then post your haul, and you and other subscribers can swap your rare goods if you want!

I’m really excited about this for about a hundred reasons, but I love that the community wants to be a deeper and even more supportive part of the inner-workings of AGP. It blows my mind.
I also love being able to give back to you in ways that nurture my need for creative expression outside of writing and world-building. Also, GAME NIGHT!

If you have questions or thoughts, please respond! AG+ is still a work-in-progress, and we’d love to hear what you think…


I really wanna to subscribe but I’m worried about the UK import and handling charges (Especially with certain looming events) as they can be £12 or more depending on the size, weight and value of the package. Shipping alone to the UK is gonna be expansive but at least that goes to you and I don’t wanna be paying £12+ each month on top of everything else.

I’m really excited for this as I’ve always wanted to support you and the amazing work you’ve done


This sounds awesome. I’m going to be looking forward to it.


We’re working to ensure that the monthly shipments don’t break the cost threshold that would require Import Vat.

I may also consider mailing the Papergoods from me personally as a gift that would also not trigger Customs and Import Vat, but only if it’s 100% within the shipping rules :cjheart:


I’m really excited about this!


ooooh this sounds awesome! I am stoked.


This is such a great idea, I know we’re going to love this!


Today’s the day! Check out this morning’s email newsletter for all the details (Opening and clicking the link in our emails builds our “reputation” so that we don’t end up in spam folders as often. MUCH appreciated.)

AND… As a huge thank you for early adopters, anyone who signs up on (or before) April 5th gets to see a secret book cover. :cjheart:


Good morning! Well, good whatever time of day it is for you all!

I’ve been thinking about joining AG+ since I finished the first chapter of Flora & Fauna. I have never been so taken with a reading community like this before and couldn’t help but show my support and love for what goes on here. Just finished signing up and cannot wait for what comes next!


Thanks so much, @Glace! This month’s AG Papergoods shipment went out this afternoon and your order was the last one!


I can barely contain my excitement! Still so astounded at the community that has been gathered and fostered here. I’m elated to be a part of it.


8 posts were merged into an existing topic: May AG Papergoods Unboxing!

So I’ve been curious about this for a while but is it possible to order old AG+ packages? For example if you missed May 2019 would you be able to order it? If this isn’t possible now will it be in the future?


We may do a vote or poll to do a best of bundle down the line!

And some bundle items may eventually end up in the shop. :cjsmile:


Quick question, for AG+ shipping is £6.2 ish flat rate to the UK, do you have to pay for the shipping monthly or does it cover the whole year?


You have to pay for shipping for each one individually.


Thanks @BrokenVoid!


No problem