A Treatise on Balimora and the Nature of Chaos

I feel like the Bubbleses are the unofficial mascot of the Guild. There was an older topic about Guild Fountains and what’s in each of them…perhaps ours is full of the remaining Bubbles and their progeny. :upside_down_face:

Ooh man, it just hit me that this could be the Fray. I don’t know why it took me so long to connect those dots. That would be both incredible and terrifying.


falton FRAYs decay o3o


I’m so glad I found this! Some masterful nonsense :wink:


I’ve been stewing on this idea of “chaos through a pinhole”, and it’s gotten me thinking about the concept of “microcosms” and “macrocosms” in Alchemical theory and practice. Looking at anything through a small enough window looks like chaos - but just like poor Bubbles XIII, if your view is expanded too much or too fast without enough information securing steps in between, that too is chaos.
There’s a natural balance to things, the wolves and rabbits - but nature also evolves and adapts to different environments; Bubbles VI took to quantum physics… like a… fish to quantum physics? Yep, I’m sticking with that one. Rare, but not impossible, and even so - why just Bubbles VI; why not all of them? Why Bubbles VI instead of Bubbles I or Bubbles XIV?
Looking at the grander scheme of chaos, even with human and/or magiqal meddling, nature finds a way to do what it wants. Nature finds loopholes around what we can perceive or understand to surprise us; almost like maybe there are quantum rabbits and wolves toying with our awareness of reality as the Balimorans toy with non-quantum rabbits and wolves… Yup, I’m sticking with that one too. :laughing::laughing:
I don’t guess I really had a point with this… Just helping the quantum rabbits mess with us, I think :rofl: