I think people have made very clear arguments here - I would try to synthesize the points made, most of which I agree with, as this: the moral stance of those with Magiq should be as non interventionist as if we were not with magic. That’s the tack. But we do have something. Help oneself and those directly around oneself. This is not because of self-centerdness, but because it’s there one has the most impact, with or without Magiq. The world is complicated. It’s not easy to translate one’s experience to another’s. How do you know you’re helping and not just imposing your view of what is wrong? And for Magiq, how would its intent be diminished? Noblesse oblige. Those with power can never look away as much as those without, who only have the resources for their own. Start in the center and work outwards in amounts you can take. The stronger you are, the more you can do. The stronger your peers, the more they can do.