5. The Search for Magiq: "Elemental Disruption"

I’ve placed two so far — one at Penn Station, a major(ly overcrowded) transit hub in NYC, and another left on the train.


I finally got some time to take a walk with some friends, so I drew this on my hand right before we left to explore!


I am about to take a ghost tour of an abandoned mental hospital while wearing the sigil. Very excited to explore!


Haven’t gotten the chance to do much exploring, but I’ve kept the sigil with me each day and appreciated having it as a small reminder of Light during a stressful week.


One more week, folks, fingers crossed! (And hopefully we get word soon :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:)

Aether and the House of Humanity. :aetherdetermined:
[spoiler]See what I did there? :simon:[/spoiler]


A new week :cjmagiq:


We made it to the other side of the world. We nearly had to hold the plane together with our bare hands, but we made it.

And they’re already here.

Having people in three separate villages ask us “Are you the ones they’re looking for?” is worrying enough, but tomorrow we begin our final ascent and so many are scared that we won’t make it up the literal mountain we’re about to have to climb to get to safety. Not before they find us.

We’re so close. Wish us luck, Mountaineers, we’re going to need it for the climb.


I’m so relieved to hear you and the others made it!

Hopefully this will help keep them off your trail:


Considering I live in this delightful quadrilateral of churches (yes, there are really this many churches in my area within 5-10mins walk of eachother), I figure just wearing the symbol on my arm is gonna cause some disruption.


It’s going on my phone as a wall paper now, and I’m probably going to be putting it around my house during my marathon game day for Extra Life. Obligatory pitch here, Extra Life is a charity raising money for Children’s Miracle Network by doing a gaming marathon. We’ll play games 25 hours straight this Saturday through Sunday and harrass our friends and family into donating to the kids. Our funds go 100% to the hospitals for use buying new equipment, paying for tutors to keep kids from falling behind while they’re hospitalized, subsidizing travel for parents too far from the specialists their kids need, and covering kids whose parents simply can’t afford the care they need.


@Eaves, you guys are so close! And even though it’s scary with the Silver right on your tail, I know you can do it. Maybe with the House of Humanity on your side, you can get help from a villager or two to run some additional interference. Good luck!

Carried the sigil around with me today during tornado recovery efforts - seemed appropriate. I didn’t take photos because I didn’t want to advertise anyone’s suffering.


Man, it looks like I have some catching up to do.


Climb safe @Eaves, I’m sure that @Ascender is with you all in spirit.


I’ve been wearing the symbol and also drawing it in places with invisible ink… I don’t know where my blacklight went but as soon as I find it I’ll take some pictures of some of the ones in the student union! It’s invisible, so won’t cause any disruption to the union folk, but hopefully it’ll still disrupt the people we need to be disrupting


Symbol of (oh the) humanity at the DMV. There’s enough activity that it should be plenty distracting.


At the end of this week, the scroll here will be going somewhere special.
I’ll have to climb my own mountain to put it there.
But it’ll be my bastion against the Silver.
I hope someone will find my scrolls and join our fight.


I’ve kept the symbol at my work desk all week. I’m fortunate to work at an office with really creative and supportive people, and as the busy season (read: holidays) approach, we’ve been stepping up and supporting each other as we try to create our best work for holiday marketing. It’s a pretty close knit group, a space where we all have grown, so I think the house of humanity sigil makes sense. :slight_smile:


The sigil was with me tonight when several coworkers had to bust out our first aid training right outside the office (no photos from that, obviously).

Will definitely find a place to put it that I can take a pic though.


House of Humanity is keeping me company at work today. I am sending love and virtual pets to Theo!


Today is All Saint’s Day, so that means mass (of those who don’t know, it’s a Holy Day of Obligation for Catholics). I’ll be carrying this into mass today and on Sunday!