5. The Search for Magiq: "Elemental Disruption"

We didn’t make it as far as we planned, but we’re safe.

Helpful people in villages dotted along our mapped path have warned us when suspicious, weary-looking people have visited them asking about the sanctuary. Between you all and the goodwill of those locals protecting us, we feel like favored stars are shining on us.

The herald is well, and her mind is as bright as ever. If not for her fatigue, you’d never know how sick she had been. At night, in the dark, she tells us all stories of what the new sanctuary is like.

I didn’t realize it at the time, but Port had been leaving the group all week to run ahead and “scout the Silver” and check that our path was clear. I didn’t know any of this was going on, but Ali had been trying to make her listen to reason. Port is a teenager now, and willful, and smaller than any of us. And yesterday she came rushing back, forcing us off the road just as a caravan of trucks passed. The convoy stopped, and a few of the passengers got out, whispering to one another. They’d somehow sensed us, but couldn’t find us. They looked for nearly two hours, before leaving us alone in the freezing mud. If it hadn’t been for Port, and no doubt you, we don’t know what would’ve happened. Thank you.

Ali wants me to talk to Port, shake her out of her burgeoning hero complex, but who am I to tell her anything?

I’m writing to you from an Internet cafe in Venezuela. Some in the group are wanting to divert north, toward the Dominican Republic, then the States, but I fear the island hopping we’ll have to do to get there will put us at even greater risk. If they find us heading north, we run the risk of running out of places to run. That was a very poorly written sentence, but it made me laugh. There hasn’t been a lot of that, laughing, but we’re alive.

Theo is tending to everyone tonight, letting them get a few scritches in before bed. Please keep up the excellent work. We have a long week ahead of us, whether north or east to the coast. If you can, please keep us in your thoughts.


Safe and not caught are the two big important things, and I’m so glad to hear that both are still accurate. (Especially with that close call, holy crap. :colewat:)

Whichever path you all choose, we’ll have you lot in all of the thoughts. (I can’t help but think you picked that wording on purpose, what with Thought week coming up. :simon:)


Stay safe, @Eaves, that’s the important thing. We will try to up the protection on the next sigil, and spread the pings wider. Stay focused on where you’re going, it can help motivate you and give you energy to keep going. We’re rooting for you all!

And I understand where Port is coming from on this… her heart is in the right place. Just make sure she knows her first job is Don’t Die, because that loss would seriously affect everyone’s emotional wellbeing. Sometimes it helps to phrase it that way, not as being safe for her sake, but because everyone else needs her safe.


This is the week of the House of Thought, right? So excited to scout out some old southern lighthouses, libraries, and bookstores :heart_eyes:


Yep, here’s a recap of ideas we had for locations (cause it saves scrolling, which I know is pain in the backside)!


And the Thought Symbol


Today’s been a bit shaky so not my best work but leaving this in the English department as I work. Will take another with me to the library tomorrow.


Working from the office and my notepad seemed on topic, debating making one to hinder the Silver.


Okay, where did you get the paper voodoo, because I need one… for reasons…


I think I got them from ThinkGeek years ago, looks like you can still get them from their creator https://knockknockstuff.com/
And in looking this up I’ve just discovered a few other notepads that are very much required for… yes… for reasons :stuck_out_tongue:


Sneaking some symbols in and around the National Library of Wales. Home to 6.5million books and 25,000 manuscripts.

Beautiful place to study, with some amazing exhibitions.


On holiday in Budapest, visited the Soviet War Memorial today, sat on a bench in the park and drew the Thought symbol. Carrying it with me all week while visiting all sorts of historical buildings, memorials and museums. Traveling to Vienna tomorrow for a few days then back to Budapest. Didn’t manage a photo today but will try at a different location


I have finally realized that someone should take my art supplies because good heavens am I not good at these sigils :sweat_smile:

I figure printing will work out well. It’s hanging out with me at work until I can find a more suitable place.


I doodled it in my therapist’s kinetic sand tray at my appointment today. I didn’t take a picture because that seemed rude and she’s a very nice woman who groks my need to fidget, but I did it anyway.


On my way to the airport, from there I’ll be flying to Philadelphia. Think I should wash off my ore mark? Worried it may draw silvers attention to the area if there’s movement in that direction.


Presumably there are pings all over the place, so perhaps it would just be another among many? So I don’t think it’ll be a problem? But I’m not entirely sure


Kept a symbol with me while I did yoga in my room. My familiar is always present when I draw these, it seems. And she really likes to nudge them and sit on them. :cat: :woman_shrugging:


Yeah I agree with Louisa, if we have pings all over the place but get rid of them near where Eaves and company are it could also draw attention.




I’m glad the flight idea was clarified since I plan to take the sigil with me on my flight to Dallas today. Have safe travels, @OracleSage - I hope you have great adventures in Philly!