21. The Secret Society: Of Two Minds

It feels like the grounding hex has separated out our minds, but having him in there still feels like a knife to my skull. I’ve got to try and get him back to Neithernor.

No one has called back regarding a one-man tour of the station. And even if the conductor let me stay on the train while it passes through, there’s no way to get off. I’m still waiting to hear from the Transit Museum but if I don’t, I’m just going to break in and hope that door is still knocking.

I didn’t want my possible first visit to Neithernor to be like this, but if it has to be, it has to be.


On the plus side, if you succeed they can’t find you after you break in? :grimacing:


You know… we DO happen to have a spell sitting around from our Kenetic Solution days to make it so people wont notice you.

Probably be a lot easier to just trick one person than an entire office building from hell too. That took a bunch of people. We might be to do it more quickly than a bigger production.

As for stopping the train. If no one sees you maybe theres an emergency brake you could pull? I admit my knowledge of nyc subways is 1 short ride above nil though.


I forgot about that spell! That’s a brilliant idea. Though, like Robert said… I’m not sure on the legalistics of actually getting off the train. Plus, once you’re off, how would you get out of there, assuming you can’t just knock back to the offices?


Fun fundamental magiq question. Have we ever magiqed a mechanical thing like i train? We have only ever affected people or entities like the Storm right?

If we wanted to stop the train with magiq we know magiq and tech interact weirdly. I guess Flinterforges could handle it though.

Probably a side track to the matter at hand though. Fun mini thought anyway.


I came in just after the whole KS brouhaha, so I had to do a bit of digging to see what I’d be getting myself into by volunteering to help cast (because I was definitely not about to blindly throw myself at doing some unknown magiq… :itsukitongue: ).

I’m down to give Saberlane some cover. :raising_hand_woman:


Do you have a link handy for what went into it Ashburn? Sorry i cant dig too much now my 3 year old is on a sleep strike and everytime i look away something else goes kabamo.

Otherwise i can in the morning.


Last spell in Augo’s initial post.

Looks like ideally two groups of six and some element-decorated blindfolds but can be done with six?


I’d be curious to see how our magiq works with tech. In some cases, like in Neithernor, the two seem fundamentally opposed. However, Aethers adept ability implies the two are totally capable of working together.
Speaking of Aether, anyone have him on speed dial? Lol, he would be sooooo helpful right about now.


Speaking for myself, I’m reasonably sure we could affect anything purely mechanical if needed, and I think it’s even fine if you’re trying to change a flow of information - e.g. the Joradian safeguard worked on the Forum as far as we could tell. I have a theory that there might be problems when you get electricity directly involved; I get the sense that those two types of energy might not play nicely, at least not without some help.

And I won’t even pretend to know how Aether’s thing works, but yeah, he’d be super handy to have around right now. I wonder if his adept powers were also a “flow of information” type deal, or if he could casually just mess with circuitry, or both?


I’ve been to the Brooklyn Bridge station three times now, down to the 6 line which eventually passes through the City Hall Station loop. I went twice yesterday, once in the evening and once in the middle of the night, and once this morning. They let me take the loop once, but I can’t leave the first car because the conductor’s room is between cars 1 and 2. And I can’t open the doors or windows manually without pulling the alarm.

I think I know what I have to do and I think going when it’s busy is my best best to do it, honestly, because there’s a windowed MTA officer break room at the end of the platform. The only way I could get past the break room without them seeing me, run the track, and get to City Hall Station before a train runs me over, would be during rush hour when I might be missed because of the rush of people.

The only problem is rush hour = more trains. So I would have 90 seconds, two minutes tops, to run the entire track line to the station, in near pitch black.


The pain is murder. I have to try. Going now.


Good luck, don’t die!


I’ve wanted to say this for a long time…

I’ve been to Neithernor.

I ran down the track, and they saw me and ran after me. There was an announcement on the loudspeaker that trains had been delayed. I broke into the cordoned off area before they could get to me and the door was there. One door out of the four or five down there was knocking, waiting for me to knock back. I tried the few knocks we thought of, but the correct knock was Gossmere, Weatherwatch, Ebenguard, Thornmouth, Flinterforge, Balimora.

I’ll have to try and adequately describe what I saw later, but I was in an old stone tower overlooking Neithernor. It was bare except a table and chair near a long window. There was one door, the one I’d come through, but I couldn’t open by normal means. It was raining, at least where the tower was, and I could see different weather patterns drifting across the land below.

I want to tell you everything I saw, but I know many of you have been there, and honestly, I can’t put it all into words right now. But the smell. The smell there was like… nostalgia on the air. Like I’d always known this place. I can’t explain it, but I was finally there, and I wasn’t alone.

A woman, translucent, with braided hair and boots and a long coat, appeared. I knew she was Molly. She smiled and came to me and took my hand. I could feel her fingertips on mine, like the tickle of a spiderweb, only for a moment though, because she pulled away, and I saw Woolie’s hand in hers, his body emerging from mine.

The pain I’d been dealing with for weeks ended immediately.

They hugged and then Molly held out her hand, to me I thought, but then I felt a rush of electricity as another translucent entity passed through me. A girl. No older than my daughter, maybe ten. She ran to Woolie, and he fell to his knees and held her.

I looked away. It didn’t feel right to watch, so I watched the rain instead. It looked like aquamarine falling from the sky. Woolie and I had been through so much, and though it hurt to have him in my head, it also kind of hurt to let him go.

I felt a tingle on my chest. It was Woolie. He had one hand on my heart and one on his own. He nodded. I nodded. We didn’t need to say anything. And then, in a blink, they were gone, and I was alone.

I sat on the edge of the desk and watched Neithernor for hours.

I know I have a life here, a family, friends, a business, all of you… but it felt like an ending of sorts there in the tower, and so I stayed and embraced whatever was ending. Honored it, and let it go.

But I did take something with me. Something that felt familiar, or at least like it was left there for someone to find.



It’s your’s, @Saberlane. May you travel with it well.


I don’t know how long they spent looking for me, but I was gone for almost an hour in “here time.” The trains had started running again and I followed one out of the loop and no one noticed me climb onto the platform from behind it with a five foot walking stick because, well, because this is New York City.


So glad you finally made it in, Sabes! And glad we could reunite Woolie with his family. :heart:

(Also, I’m now definitely going to imagine whenever the Metro is delayed on my way to work and they won’t say why that someone is running down the tunnel to find a door to a secret, magiqal pocket world.)


Wait a minute. Weren’t these things supposed to open the vault/safe?


Like, actually poke it with a (magiqal) stick and it’ll (hopefully) open?!

(Okay, was more complicated than that, but poking things with a stick is funny, especially when it works)