18. The Secret Society: Down to City Hall Station

My essays are nothing compared to yours, Robert. :cjsmile:



It’s kind of amazing that because of all you’ve all been through you can read journal entries from a previous version of our world detailing how it ended and be like :sob: but also :muscle:t3: “let’s get to work.” You guys are the best.

I’m trying to get my head around the reality of the “era books” and who lived when and how… maybe I’ll come up with something, a primer or a diagram or something, and you can punch holes in it based on experience or pure conjecture? I think it might be helpful for those coming in to all this fresh who want to help but don’t know where to start?

I’m just eager to help climb the :mountain: and this seems, as an outsider, a good place for me to start? Especially considering that a lot of the Low’s theoretical view of all this also deals with some form of “alternate history” so I’m at least versed in what others on the outside see this as possibly being?


Um, that would be amazing, @SpiritSeer. Would be nice to have your perspective.


Huh. I suppose “we just got a revelation from an alternate timeline let’s hurry and sort this out” isn’t quite a normal response to this sort of thing come to think of it. Goodness, being a Mountie has changed me.