18. The Secret Society: Down to City Hall Station

Perhaps this is one of those bits of someone else that got caught in Woolie’s memories?

We also had the Vernal/Spring Equinox yesterday, which could have some magiqal significance.


And it was a full moon, too!


I found more before it vanished. Thankfully I type fast. Looks like it’s going to be a long night. (Luckily, Sabes keeps a sleeping bag in the office because you never know what time magiq might call.)

Something is happening. Most of the world continues on the rails of mundane life, but those living within the eddies of magic are concerned. Like birds aware of an impending storm before they’ve caught sight of far-off clouds. Magimystic energy is behaving erratically, or so I’m told by my nephew and his coven, who are all aflutter with activity and are currently using the bookstore basement as a central office to investigate it, though I’m unclear why and frankly, haven’t tried to understand. I chose a life free of magic. As much as one can be free of magic knowing the history of our family, and having seen more than most could ever imagine exists. My brother never understood, not entirely, why I chose to live a mostly-mundane life, or more so why I relinquished my part in Ackerly Green Publishing in exchange for my little book shop on the first floor. I contend that there is more that matters in the world than magic and its never-ending pursuit.


We live very strange professional lives. Stay safe. I’m here with the kids tonight but I’ll relieve you as soon as I can. Order whatever you want, on me.


The most beautiful thing I’ve heard in a while.

One of our found memories. She owned a little bookshop on the first floor. Second memory. They’re hers, for sure.


Definitely all one person. Sounds like we may be hearing about the fighting for the oppressed soon.

It may be one of the sections of time changed by the combining of the two Books.


Definition of irony? A person who chose a life without magic is magically telling us what its like for a world in the process losing its magic.


There may have been more to this one but it faded before I could finish transcribing. I’m so sorry!

“Sully attempted to explain “wells” to me when I finally asked why he and his rowdy, over-excited friends he calls a coven have set up what they call “basecamp” in the cellar. What I gathered from his rambling was that there are places in the world “touched by magic” in a way that leaves an indelible mark. He and his associates use them as barometers to measure magimystic energy. He says that very recently wells have begun growing deeper, stronger, and behaving more strangely. He says that wells growing deeper might sound like a good thing, but in fact, it may also mean that magic is trying to dig in and take hold as something attempts to take it. Or destroy it. We still know so little about how magic truly works. It is a strange time. Despite everything that’s happened, all that we have experienced and endured, what I would give to have my incorrigible older brother by my side. But he’s gone.”


The original Basecamp 33!!! :scream:


“I can’t sleep. They think I can’t hear, but Sully and his friends whisper about the dark force, once defeated, and their fear that it may have risen again, and these strange events might be warnings of a coming storm. I know our minds are simply running rampant, searching for a cause. But you can’t unring a bell. A name that had almost lost its chill, but now the old familiar cold has returned.”


Goodness there’s a lot to unpack here, but I’d be much more intelligent if it wasn’t 3 am. I’m going to attempt sleep (stupid dream spell messed up my sleep cycle) and maybe come back to it in the morning when I’m smarter. Or afternoon. Early evening maybe? Idk whenever I’m awake next.


I’m in the office. I just sent Catherine home. I’ll take watch now and let you know if anything else shows up.


I know, right! Is their basecamp based on the coven that Colby was a part of? What circumstances could have pushed them together and kept them together in the Book of the Wild?


Random Friday morning thoughts (Hey it beats working…and I kinda missed posting these.)

  1. If Sully is her nephew, then her brother is the Book of Wild version of Warner Green, who ‘is gone’ according to her. Now lots of people don’t like to say things like ‘deceased’ and use euphemisms, but what if the best way to describe it is actually ‘gone’. Like…to neithernor. Where he was present when the Silver tried to take over and he ended up a ghost trying to get back in touch with his family…at Ackerly Greeen Publishing, except he doesn’t realize that world doesn’t exist anymore.

  2. Here’s a brain buster for you… If Warner fled to Neithernor in the Book of the Wild, and Sullivan entered it from the Book of Kings…are they in the same Neithernor? Are they Father and Son or complete strangers? Of course maybe Neithernor is only a Book of Kings fabrication. No idea.

  3. Is this really the Book of the Wild we’re hearing about? From way back from Fragment 2 the ‘other world’ was described as having people descended from merfolk who turned into fish people when needed. A sailor spontaneously developing telekinesis powerful enough to lift a life raft and all aboard. A boy raised to be a fairy king. If the people who ‘did not die’ were from the Book of the Wild then I expected…I don’t know…more than a handful of people in a basement trying to figure this out over there. Like…wouldn’t magic vanishing from the world be all anyone could talk about in a world all about magic? Is it possible we’re seeing something, or somewhere else? Or is it possible we have no idea what the Book of the Wild really looks like? (Probably the second.)

  4. Seriously…what was up with the phone number from fragment 4?! That question is going on my tombstone.

Edit: A refresher on the Green family we know about for anyone was curious. I had to dig this up to check my half-baked ideas against.


I DO NOT type as quickly as @Catherine.

Things are changing rapidly. Even those living their lives in the strictly mundane have begun to experience the alterations. We have far less time that we realized, and yet we still don’t know what’s truly happened, only that our world is changing, and magic is somehow being eradicated. Even the bridges are beginning to falter. If they were to break… I know enough about the magimystic to understand what that possibility portends.

Those in the greater world of the magimystic with more courage and foresight than I have taken the offensive, on a worldwide hunt for whoever might be responsible, hoping to undo the alterations, or at least stop what’s happening before all is too far gone.

I did not choose this world, this life, but to think that a universe of hidden wonder, just outside the periphery of the mundane, might cease to exist without anyone learning what is truly possible… To lose that choice without ever having learned it was a choice to make, that is a reason to fight.

EDIT: Those were three separate entries and I’m not 100% sure I got them all before they disappeared.


That’s one of the big questions, who made Neithernor, and as always, we only have the mysterious Mr. Wideawake to turn to, who seemed to say that Neithernor was built by those in The Book of The Wild while they were experimenting with the Fray through wells. The prevailing theory is that the ruins the Wool and eventually Silver found in Neithernor were ruins that people from The Book of The Wild built or at least inhabited.

So our only living relic of The Book of The Wild is Neithernor. And it stands to reason that if Warner Green, or anyone else, escaped the destruction of The Book of The Wild, either accidentally or intentionally, they would most likely be in the same Neithernor that Sullivan, Deirdre, Cole, and some of the more sensitive Mounties have explored.

:sweat_smile: Right?

EDIT: This is pretty much my favorite subject, Neithernor and Book Eras 101, but I should probably save my attention and typing strength for the journal. I just can’t help. it.


@Catherine, shouldn’t you be sleeping?


We need a hypothesized Book/Neithernor diagram at some point.


I got a few hours in!! My brain is so wired thinking about all of this though I can’t stay asleep. And there’s also the small matter of that other part-time job that doesn’t care that I was up all night transcribing lost magical archives :woman_shrugging:


Oh right, your mundane job. :roll_eyes: