17. The Secret Society: Buzzed

I agree with some other folks who are saying there are some obvious guild connections. However, I think like the other clues we have found so far they may have other connections to specific Mounties or locations.
Heck, some of these sound like they could be in Neithernor.


It’s kind of dark, don’t you think? Hunter’s moon, abandoned sun rotting, where bodies lie below… lonely and dark. Like we’re supposed to be shedding light back in where darkness has been encroaching.


none of those sound like stuff we might find over here, best of luck, guys!


Boy am I late to the party (A wizard is never late Master Baggins, not is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to)

  1. is the phone number a phone number? Or is it a code/ cypher key/ co ordinates disguised as a phone number??

  2. @Ashburn where was this place? I could go check it out in a couple of days

  3. Can’t remember what 3 was… I know it was important though


2 days off. That’s all I needed to come back to a mayhem of clues and seemingly pointless tidbits. Congratulations :joy:

@Deyavi I wouldn’t call it grim. I’d rather say it’s pointing at a circle of life.

Also, the good news is that, unless the harvest moon relates to a place, we’ve got plenty of time to research and prepare since it won’t happen until the full moon around the autumnal equinox. Furthermore, it’s to celebrate the opulent earth and to give you the last time of preparation before the severe winter comes. This sounds like a call to arms but I’d rather find it reassuring than ominous.

…although the last experiences with the first day of autumn weren’t that reassuring, were they?

Secondly, a feast for all the senses reminds me of Cagliostro… in a bad way. Hope it’s not a repetition of the same old song, otherwise I’d really consider arming ourselves accordingly. Hell knows what could be pulled off this time. Staying optimistic, however, I’d seek for a celebration of harvest moon - but the only thing that is on a massive scale, similar to it that I can think of, is Oktoberfest and something tells me this wouldn’t move to Germany. And Thanksgiving is too late.

Now: some loud thinking.

From what I can think of, is the hilltop that once was used for flight - but this is probably gonna be another false. Reminds me of Icarus but, again, it’s the ruins of Knossos on Crete (wait, but we’d have this fortress of sun…?).

I wouldn’t maybe think of abandoned airports but rather either a place to observe the flights (maybe of the birds)? There might be aplenty but combined with the rest, maybe we’d be able to pinpoint it geographically if there’s some logical connection between the points?


The answers to the rhymes might also provide clues for opening the box


@Robert, that’s a great idea.

Even if the clues are just hinting at locations and not a grounding hex, do we think we might have the people and power to do it, to protect Woolie? I can’t stop thinking about him, his pain, and all he’s done to help us these past months. I know it might not be the highest priority, hell, it might already be too late to save him, but I know you all care like I care, and if we can, I would like to try to protect him from fading away here long enough for me to somehow get him back to Neithernor before we lose him, and magiq.


I believe the thing I saw said off of Gold Coast? Compared to a lot of our other Aussie conjectures, it looked pretty darn close.


@saberlane Count how many times on this forum the words ‘I dont think we can do X’ are followed later with the same person saying ‘We did X!’

I believe it is almost every single time.

In any event navel gazing aside. We have locations to find. I’d suggest you get as much Woolie off the walls as you can into a bottle or something before house cleaning swings by. Hes going home.


@Ashburn I found the article… looks like they want to copy a place called Neptune memorial reef off of Florida
@Drus I have a harvest moon next Month :grin: (I’m dangling off the underside of the planet)


I would be down to recreate the warding hex. Cause I’m sure we can do it with our timey-wimey magiq stuff.

Also, there are a few things I can think of.

I’ll need to check the post on my computer, but I’ve got an idea for a couple.


I’d like to compile all the clues thus far:

Riddle One:

  • Robert - Balimora - “A market - the seal of a king” - “A Collector of Tales”
  • Rimor - Thornmouth - Moses Carpenter’s Grave - “A cemetery - a carpenter’s cure” - “A Circle of Stones”
  • Revenir - Flinterforge - Union Station Clock - “A clock - a union in time” - “A Lost Father”
  • Augustus_Octavian - Gossmere - Bancroft Tower - “A tower - a Romanesque lure” - “Buried Treasure”
  • Deyavi - Ebenguard - Asamkirche - “A memento mori - a sinister shear” - “A Swashbuckling Pirate”
  • Brendon - Balimora - Kamloops Courthouse Gallery - “A courthouse - a brush with the law” - “A Fishing Town”

Riddle Two:

  • Remus - Weatherwatch - Logan Museum of Anthropology - “And minerals low that grow but aren’t alive” - “A sinister storm”
  • Mike - Flinterforge - SPARK Museum - “A jolt in the air on wires or things” - “A broken heart”
  • CJ_Heighton - Balimora - Kamloops Museum and Archives - “A meeting of waters” - “A lost ship”
  • Mr5yy - Balimora - Champaign Aviation Museum - “Where gold bubbles flow, On wheels or wings” - “The little island”
  • OracleSage - Gossmere - Bucks County Civil War Library - “A link-in the address, that travel between north and south” - “Dark shoals”
  • Echomoon - Ebenguard - Millican Hall - “A mill-I-can reach, or twinkle in the sky” - “Choppy water”

Riddle Three:

  • Helios - Balimora - Statue of Liberty in Fort Collins City Park - “When the sun god finds one sister who still holds aloft her fire”
  • CameronP - Balimora - Spadena House in Beverly Hills - “And the crooked river reaches where the star-eyed witch retires”
  • Crytter - Gossmere - The Brennender Berg - “When the lebewesen lights upon a never-ending flame”
  • Rimor - Thornmouth - Captain Cook Birthplace Museum - “And rummaging where dragons flee, you come upon a name.”
  • Nailo - Unknown - Metropolitan Police Coat Hook - “When the common nail has been enhanced to aid a humbled sentry”
  • Arym - Balimora - Drexell University - “Go to higher ground where all who seek knowledge are granted entry”

We also have:

  • “I looked across the cold and silver swirling sea.”
  • “I’d found the key, and with it, a way to leave this world behind.”
  • “A world that could not have been imagined by man”
  • “A light that both blinded me and made me whole.”

And for a list of Secret Society Members who’ve been chosen:

  • Arym*
  • Ashburn
  • Augo *
  • Brendon*
  • CameronP*
  • Chi*
  • Crytter* - via Etrus
  • Deyavi*
  • Echo
  • Echomoon *
  • Ginger
  • Grim
  • Helios*
  • Katalena
  • Kelsey
  • Mike*
  • 5*
  • Nailo*
  • Nimueh
  • Oracle*
  • Raven
  • Remus*
  • Reve*
  • Rimor**
  • Robert*
  • Sel
  • Sky
  • Smurfette
  • Tinker
  • Vic
  • Viv

I think it is good to focus on members who haven’t been chosen, as we’ve only had one repeat. That way we can narrow down location possibilities!


Nim, one of the lines could be hers. The one about stones and sunlight. I think that might be Stonehenge. And I’m kinda… not sure about me. Anyone near Ohio or North Carolina for the flight hill?


I know when I tried a cursory search last night that Dayton, OH was coming up. 5 would be closest, just not sure about what the actual distance is. (And it would be another duplicate Mountie situation, if that matters at all)


What if in stead of each line representing one specific location per person what if it’s all for one person to lead them to a specific place?
Find a festival/market. Go west where there’s a museum to do with travel that made predominantly out of glass (going to guess aviation museum due next clue… possibly a glider)
Go to the hill that said glider or some other form of air transport flew from where you’ll head towards the water where there’s some stone monument made from rocks not typical of that area…
As always I apologise in advance for the red herring


Stonehenge is like… 2-3 hour drive from me? With no car, it’s completely impossible for me to get there if we needed it. Plus that’s two different lines.


There are also stones in Wales like the stones of Tryfan. Also it says “monument to travel” which to me sounds like a monument celebrating travel. Add that to “A way to let in light” and it could be a stained glass window you’re looking for thats a monument to travel.


Such as this one which seems to fit the two couplet theme of flight


That looks super promising! Looks like @VictorianFlorist might be closest. Is that a doable distance for investigating?


Honestly just spitballing about it.


I should be able to get to the hunter’s moon location tomorrow! I’ll make sure Herman is on my jacket, and I’ll keep you guys updated!