1.5. The Search for Magiq: Casting The 30 Day Spell

I jumped the gun a bit, but we’re so close to the end that I figured I’d post it now. Here’s my finished set of mini paintings:

  1. A long shadow - Sabes with a dramatic purple shadow. I like to think he’s also, symbolically dealing with the shadows of the old Ackerly Green.
  2. A place for hiding - Aether hiding in the internet, away from Kemetic Solutions.
  3. Words unwritten - A painting on a scroll. My thought was that images are kind of words unwritten? You can look at an image and associate with a word but there’s no actual words written.
  4. A broken but mended thing - A broken heart, stapled together.
  5. Hope, unfettered - Deirdre, the hope of the Age of Magiq.
  6. A promise made - A pinky promise.
  7. Reaching out - Constance, reaching out to the memories she lost.
  8. The path unfollowed - Two paths to magiq, they said, but we took neither.
  9. Freedom in the distance - Psychic alien person sees a future freer than the present.
  10. A memory resurfacing - The token that protected Sabes, a gift from the old Mountaineers
  11. Beginning again - Infinity. Begin again and again and again…
  12. The gloaming captured - A color study of twilight.
  13. A token of home - I always feel at home when I’m painting.
  14. Unburdened - Or maybe still burdened. Life is hard.
  15. Love, stirring - A couple from a story I’m writing in the MAGIQverse
  16. Patience, striving - Patience the lion.
  17. Music in the dawn - I don’t know why, I had the image of Deirdre playing piano in a forest at dawn. Maybe in Neithernor?
  18. A light pursued - Fancy light elf lady gets pursued by…something?
  19. Play - Headphones, music.
  20. Kindled - A match, lighting the fire.
  21. A portal - A strange mirror portal
  22. Colors unbound - Local man drowns in earthy colors
  23. Through to the other side - A branch peeking out of a window. I had the idea of little houses hiding in the branches, but it didn’t end up being executed.
  24. A secret uncoiled - Herman led us to a loooot of secrets.
  25. A small comfort - Oraclebear in her comfort sweater.
  26. Once grand, now forgotten - Never forget Cags. But the rest of the world? Maybe so.
  27. A window to nowhere - Eyes lost in the abyss.
  28. A soul reflected - An unmask wearer, revealing their true self.
  29. Solace - A synonym for solace is console, so, consolatory teatime? I guess it ended up being more of a latte though, haha.
  30. The search for magiq - Following the road to magiq.

I also made a lil zine pdf with better quality images.
Search for Magiq.pdf (1.8 MB)


28: A soul reflected


A bit late because I didn’t have access to it before but…

26: Once Grand, Now Forgotten

A map of a major cave system related and named after family

  1. a soul reflected


28: A Soul Reflected.
On display, one day a year, to see what comes from within. The day of St. Augernon. The Day of Unmasking. To see the that which we hold in ourselves.
The Festival of the Unmask.




That is the cutest thing I have ever seen.


Tea Nessie is best Nessie.


Omg I didn’t realize that was a loch ness monster tea infuser and now I’M DYING OF CUTE?!?! :scream: :cjheart:


I have a ladle with that design!


29: Solace

A simple act of finding peace in the sadness.
peace in endings.


Day 29
slumping, finally,
over the threshold,
limp, exhausted, but
able at last to
curl up, quiet, at the
end of a long day


Like the final dying ember, i breathe my last breath of wakefulness.
I take the plunge, my mind darkening, my eyes closing.
And then i remember.
I open my eyes, tears and choking filling my being,
i open my phone.
I open a novel.




30: The Search For Magiq

A spell. A story. A song.
One wrought by the words of others, and brought into being by us.
one formed from our own individual stories, meshing together to create something new
one playing like a melody in my head, bouncing its cadence everywhere and nowhere

We’ve all had a hand in these pieces of the puzzle.
now its time to see what exactly we have found.

Remember, Trust in the Flow of Magiq, and above all, Wonder.


The search for magiq

Out with friends, minding my own business at a house for other magic.
I turn around, and bam


  1. The Search for Magiq

Two years ago today, I found magic.

I had always looked for it.
I had always hoped for it.
I had always longed for it.

I read books about magic.
I played games about magic.
I dreamed dreams about magic.

Then just like that, I found it.

I found it in my guild, among my brothers and sisters.
I found it on a grand adventure, among fellow freedom fighters.
I found it afterwards, in quiet writings, among my Mountaineer family.

Now together, we search for magiq.


Day 30: The Search for Magiq

Not quite two years ago, I came to the forums. I was lost, confused, and looking for something. I was searching for magiq.

The months went and I watched the magiq of the world become clearer around me. We lost and found, and then defended our new path. We fought together for magiq.

After that September, something changed. We knocked in, got knocked out, and scratched the surface of what we’d worked for. We practiced magiq.

But the problems aren’t over and the story’s not done. We continue to create, to channel, to find what we thought we’d won. We search for magiq.


Once we stood blinded.
Our eyes, as dark and hollow as they were, could not see.
Now we KNOW.
Now we are aware.
We thought it was over.
Its anything but.
The search continues, evermore.
The search for magiq.


When I was little I told my Mama “I want to bring the magiq back”
She would chuckle and ask me where I’d thought it gone off too,
I’d say I wish I knew.

Then I found the guide, I found the Mountaineers, and it all fit into place for me. Accepting magiq was real was as natural to me as breathing, but looking for it was much harder.
Now is our time to look past the Silver lying, look past the book of kings.
Now we must search, seek, unlock, and open every shred of magiq left.
The Search is on.