1.5. The Search for Magiq: Casting The 30 Day Spell

When Deirdre brought down the sword
She did so with the might of the mountains
She burst through the storm like a shooting star
and the storm, in turn, tried to gobble her up
But the glow of wonder was too strong.

She was a light persued.

  1. A light pursued

A light pursued
Upon the horizon.
Follow it there:
A new sun is risin’.


I got to Play with a big show yesterday… :deirdreexcited:


19: Play

Shows, games, and all the fun.
finding your way, and creating the run
of adventures found in all the worlds,
as each of their stories unfurls.

“Time to play!”, I say with delight
and there i fill my wings with flight
To find my story here and far,
and play the game, and land in the stars.

Gaming is my hobby, and I love it so.
I’ll march on, play them all, and to those worlds i’ll go.

  1. play


Day 19

It is not in dull marches,
nor toiling rote mechanics,
that we expand our progress;
but rather, it is nurtured
in childlike exploration
of all the hidden treasures
and caves, and carapaces,
rivers, and dunes, and oceans,
where we embrace and enter
the secret, wondrous patterns
the universe encloses.
For firstly in the guises
Of well-equipped explorers,
Dancers on wind, intrepid
Spell-casters, princes, dragons
And yes, in phantom pirates,
Do we behold the wonder
That is our own existence,
And long to make it sparkle.


20: Kindled

A fire lights within my soul.
my energy ignites and spreads to everything I touch.
the fire is linked, and lights the world.
I am…Kindled.

I am a light. Shining to show the path forward.
out of darkness, and into a time of prosperity.
I am a fire, kindled by warmth and good and light
to lead the way into the dawn.

  1. kindled

“Your magic alone is but a flicker in the face of the bonfire that burns when we are joined. You are here to inspire, entertain, and enkindle.”

The young man put down and closed the slim, black volume. He took a sip of his Americano and regarded the bustling coffee shop in which he sat. At the table to his left, two retirees were mourning the passing of a better age, while at the table to his right, a young woman was engrossed in a news article outlining some progressive legislation brought forth by the powers that be. He felt at home there, in the middle.

The equilibrium was broken by a young mother, two children in tow, making their way from the door to the counter. The children were each approaching a tantrum, wanting desperately for a sweet they clearly did not need, while their mother simply sought a coffee that she clearly did. The folks on either side of him looked up and scowled, their respective peace broken by this display. The woman ordered, but one of the children pushed down on his lap, jumped up and down, and so off they all went to the bathroom. The old men chided her under their breath, and the young woman glared after them while jamming headphones in her ears. The young man stood up and made is way over to the counter.

“Has she paid yet?” he asked.

“No, sir.” The person behind the counter replied. The man handed her a five dollar bill, and went back to his book. He flipped through a series of zany choices, and again landed on the same page bearing a stylized lotus. He looked up to the young mother standing over him, tears welling in her eyes.

“You didn’t have to do that,” she choked a bit on her words.

He smiled and replied: “We’re all better when we work together.”


Day 20

Within the deepest night, a spark alights,
Alone amidst the heavy-hanging dark,
But growing, slowly first, then warmer, wider
Kindled evermore to cast out night.


Day 21

Through which we see another world
Through which we pass from strife to strife
Through which we go and mark our way
Through which we live, from life to life
For when wide open stands the gate,
Persistence-summoned, intrigue-kissed,
We’ve but a blink to enter right
Or wonder ever what we’ve missed.


A portal

I can take you anywhere you can imagine.



The box of kindling.

  1. Colours Unbound

21: A Portal
A Door, standing in the forest.
No one knows why its there, but it stands without rotting.
the door is a portal.
a path to another place
Arcadia, Neithernor, Avalon, or Narnia
it could go to any of those places.
any open places, open frames, can be considered a portal to another place.
new worlds and new lives, constantly showing up and touching our world in a myriad of ways.

22: Colors unbound
shining lights are sparkling in the night sky.
through the use of flame and pressure, the sky glistens.
colors, tightly packed, released into the sky, to sparkle with the stars.
they fly high and unbind themselves
letting them spread out across the night sky.
breaking free of the bounds of physical form.
they appear and then disappear into the ethereal planes.
colors breaking free. colors unbound.

  1. colors unbound

(Art credit: my oldest son, circa 2016)

  1. through to the other side

He closed the book and thought of her,
of how she had escaped.

The world she had left behind,
and how it had been shaped.

How she got there to begin with, how she left,
and the weird paths that she then walked.

The caterpillar, the queen, the cat;
all of whom with she had talked.

He wondered how he’d get there too,
through to the other side.

He lay his head down on his pillow,
closed his eyes, and sighed.


23: Through to the Other Side

knock knock knock
You hear a small knocking sound, faint as can be
It seems to be calling to you, at the edges of your attention.
Knock knock knock
It grows louder, beckoning you to find it.
the sound thrums in your head, tugs your mind to it.
Knock Knock knock
Louder it calls, more urgently
as you find your way to where it leads.
Knock Knock Knock
The knock hums throughout your body, like Bass reverberating.
and you find the door that knocks.

The knock stops, as if waiting for a reply.
You return the knock, hearing where you should tap
And go through the door, to Neithernor.


A Portal


Colors Unbound
(Not as vibrant as I’d wanted, but it’s an old photo)


Through to the Other Side

